摘 要
关键词:自动布料 造粒 粉状物料 轧辊造粒机 脱气
ZD600 pelleter design
The topic of this design is the ZD600 pelleter design, this pelleter is suitable for the dry powdery material, it belongs to the suppression to make the grain. Its principle of work is that Material goes through automatic cloth spiral , and then into the degassing Treponema added densifying .At the last,it forces through the screw type compulsion conveyor the material to feed the material to enter by the same rotational speed does the contra-rotation between two rollers, depends upon two rollers the roller forcing materials in kind, again acts according to on the roller the hole shape to achieve needs the grain shape the goal. Regarding this the pelleter design mainly has the design of spiral automatic cloth, degassing portion and roller pelleter parts.
The way of transmission for this kind of pelleter: Selecting the appropriate motor, reducer puts power to the automatic cloth spiral.And then selecting the motor , reducer drives increased degassing Treponema .Motor can be used as a power appropriately. Power and speed are transformed into machine through triangle belt. coupling、twice gearwheel retracted machine, axle. The method is that the character of material goods firstly be learned, and then the kind and exertent of load in roller by test. A series of construction parameter can be calculated. Parameter can be refered to relevant handbook, and then the necessary standard single item will be decided. Finally, then the basis assigns the output and some requests, select the electric motor, the reduction gear, design the axis which installs the roller and so on.
Key word: spiral automatic cloth; powder; roller strength; degassing portion
该造粒机的主要组成:自动布料螺旋 脱气增密螺旋 对辊造粒机和相关其它零部件。
3.1.1 轧辊直径D和宽度W
1.粉体物料 堆积密度0.9克/立方厘米 脱硫石膏
2.生产能力8000Kg/ h 24小时
由以上条件,并按JohanSon的方法,采用压力机进行试验,可以求得压缩系数K,由图5-34可得压缩系数K=5,利用表可以得到产品容重为 kg/ ,查出最大压力Pm 为 ,又按JeniK的剪切试验,可以求得有效摩擦角 ,仑壁摩擦角 ,本例有效摩擦角 求得为 ,仑摩擦角20°。轧辊的间隙与产品的间隙是非常接近的,本例的产品厚度为1.25cm,因此轧辊的间隙S可以定为3mm.失散系数f表示了造粒机工作时,有一部分物料未经压实而从轧辊两旁逸出,因此它是描述了产品损失分量,根据JohanSon的估计值,再考虑到轧辊失散物料的情况,本例利用f=0.15.

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录. ..Ⅲ
第一章 引言 5
1.1 粉体造粒技术的发展和研究 5
1.1.1 造粒技术 5
1.1.2 造粒的目的 5
1.1.3造粒技术的方法 5
第二章 脱硫石膏的性质与性能 8
2.1脱硫石膏的基本性质 8
2.1.1 脱硫石膏的粒径 8
2.1.2 脱硫石膏的颗粒特性 8
2.1.3 脱硫石膏化学成分性质 8
2.1.4 脱硫石膏粒径和形状的测量方法 11
2.1.5 颗粒群的堆积性质 12
2.2 脱硫石膏粉体力学 15
2.2.1 脱硫石膏的力学特性 15
第三章ZD600自动布料脱气式造粒机的设计计算 18
3.1对辊造粒机主要参数计算 18
3.1.1 轧辊直径D和宽度W 18
3.1.2轧辊力RF和功率P 18
3.1.3 选取电动机和减速器 20
3.1.4 设计带传动 20
3.1.5 轴的设计 23
3.1.6设计齿轮传动 25
3.1.7轴上的周向定位 27
3.1.8轴的强度校核 28
3.1.9轴承较核 32
3.2 自动布料螺旋的设计 33
3.2.1 生产要求及参数 33
3.2.2螺旋喂料器的设计 34
3.2.3 螺旋轴转速的计算 35
3.2.4 输送能力的校核和功率的计算 35
3.2.5 选取电动机和减速器 38
3.2.6 脱气增密螺旋的设计 38
3.3 其它设计 39
结束语 40
参考文献. .41
致谢 43