摘 要
关键词:立式自动螺丝装配平台;结构设计; AUTOCAD绘图软件
This thesis belongs to the mechanical structure design of the paper, the mechanical structure design of the paper is through studying in school of mechanical design theory and in practice in the factory the actual learning, appropriate completed a mechanical structure design, ultimately meet the expected design goal, makes the final design of the machine can complete the design index requirements etc..
This thesis is of vertical online adaptive screw assembly platform structure design, adaptive screw assembly platform is screw assembly manufacturing machine assembly is composed of the main equipment, bear the screw assembly manufacturing operation reliable send a lock screw of the action, the agencies frequently, internal components between serious wear and tear is screw assembly machine as a whole composed of equipment in the most easy to damage is one of the important equipment. This design is based on adaptive screw assembly platform structure design and research, design a adaptive screw assembly platform, by sending a lock mechanism lock screw machine operation of screw assembly work, ensure that the technical performance, screw assembly work parameters meet the requirements of design, in the vertical online adaptive screw assembly platform the structure of the development process, appropriate organization of reducing cost to save materials, screw assembly process, shorten the development cycle, improve efficiency, screw assembly work extended screw assembly machine service life and work efficiency, it is very necessary and important, but the right of the screw assembly platform has advantages of saving the manufacturing development cycle. Has a very important significance for reducing the cost of assembling screw design.
This paper describes the adaptive screw assembly platform device structure and working principle of the arrangement, in determining the design scheme based on complete the send a lock screw machine transmission mechanism design, and on the design of the structure of rational layout analysis and mechanical stiffness, strength check, so that the screw assembly platform to complete, such as screw assembly send a lock screw, and according to the design of various parts of the detailed parameters, the final use of AutoCAD drawing software rendering the overall assembly drawing and the transmission mechanism of the parts of the map.
Keyword: vertical automatic screw assembly platform; structure design; AUTOCAD drawing software

1 绪 论 1
1.1 课题的来源和意义 1
1.2 自动螺丝装配平台运动概述 2
1.3 立式自动螺丝装配平台结构的国内外研究现状 2
1.4 立式自动螺丝装配平台结构的分类 4
1.5 本课题的研究内容 4
1.5.1立式自动螺丝装配平台结构的电机传动系统设计 4
1.5.2立式自动螺丝装配平台结构的外形设计 5
1.5.3立式自动螺丝装配平台结构整机控制系统的设计 5
1.5.4传送机构装置的结构设计 5
1.6螺丝装配送锁螺丝工作送锁螺丝机的设计参考标准 5
2 自动螺丝装配平台的机械机构总体设计 6
2.1总体参数的确定 6
2.1.1立式自动螺丝装配平台结构总体设计 6
2.1.2立式自动螺丝装配平台的总体设计的工作原理 7
2.1.3送锁机构的结构确定 9
2.1.4震动料斗的设计 10
2.1.5震动料斗的计算 10
3 整机参数的详细计算 12
3.1总体结构 12
3.2螺栓输送结构 12
3.3锁紧传动结构 12
3.3.1万向联轴器 13
3.3.2滑动轴承 14
3.4升降气缸的设计与校核 14
3.4.1升降气缸的尺寸设计与校核 14
3.5送锁机构驱动电动机功率的计算和电动机的选择 18
3.5.1电动螺丝刀锁紧螺丝时的功率的计算 18
3.5.2电动机功率的计算 19
3.6电机驱动轴的计算 20
3.7送锁机构各轴安装的传动轴承的选型 20
3.7.1选型 20
3.7.2计算径向力 21
3.7.3计算轴向力 21
3.7.4计算当量载荷 21
3.7.5验算轴承寿命 21
参考文献 23
致 谢 24