Suspension used to connect the body (or frame) and the wheel (or axle) on the structure.It is an important assembly of the car which is responsible for transmiting the power and torque between the wheel and the frame.It can ease the impact of uneven road, decay vibration, and ensure drive smoothy and comfortable of passengers. Suspension transmission characteristics directly affect the car ride comfort and handling stability.Suspension performance is optimized, then the performance of the vehicle improved.
The design is mainly for suspension system of eccentrical motor driven SUV, Improving the performanceby analysis of optimization.First of all, try to understand the type and characteristics of the suspension,then to design the front and rear suspension.Secondly,Designe and calculate the key components of the suspension such as spring,struct and so on.Finally, Use catia to model the suspension system and analyze it with simulation software.
Key Words: suspension; mcpherson; twisted beam; computer simulation
表3.1 悬架总体尺寸参数
纯电动SUV 5门5座小型
长*宽*高 4300*1750*1600mm
整备/满载质量 1400/1850kg
前/后轮胎 205/60 R16
轴距 2600mm
前/后轮距 1500mm
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1课题研究的意义与背景 1
1.2悬架的发展历史和现状 1
1.3悬架的发展趋势 2
1.4课题的主要研究内容和目的 3
第2章 悬架结构分析 4
2.1悬架类型 4
2.2独立悬架的类型分析 5
第3章 悬架参数计算 7
3.1悬架的总体方案要求 7
3.2悬架主要性能参数 7
3.2.1悬架偏频与静挠度 7
3.2.2悬架动挠度 8
3.2.3悬架的工作行程与弹性特性 8
3.2.4悬架侧倾角刚度在前后轴分配 9
第4章 悬架零件设计 10
4.1弹性元件设计 10
4.1.1螺旋弹簧的选择 10
4.1.2结构参数设计 11
4.1.3弹簧参数校核 11
4.2减振器设计 12
4.2.1减振器介绍 12
4.2.2减振器主要性能参数 12
4.2.3主要尺寸参数确定 15
4.3导向机构设计 16
4.3.1导向机构布置参数 16
4.3.2导向机构受力分析 18
第5章 后悬架其他设计 19
5.1扭转梁的布置 19
5.2拖拽臂 19
5.3橡胶衬套 20
第6章 三维建模与仿真分析 21
6.1CATIA介绍 21
6.2零件模型建立 21
6.3悬架总成装配 22
6.4基于ADAMS的运动仿真 23
参考文献 28
致谢 29