摘 要
This design topic is the EQ1092F19D1 type truck's rear suspension design. With the rapid development of the national economy, the requirement of the transportation industry is higher and higher, and various types of trucks play a very important role in the transportation industry. In particular, China's truck often drives under the overloaded, the driving large is area and the working environment is poor, so the design requirements of the suspension has been improved accordingly.
Suspension system ensure the vehicle has good ride comfort and handling stability, also has the suitable attenuation vibration ability, alleviate discomfort to the occupants. The rear suspension system is mainly composed of two kinds of non independent suspension system and independent suspension system, and the EQ1092F19D1 that I designed is a leaf spring type non independent suspension. In this design, the focus is the design of leaf spring, mainly concentrated in the determination of the main parameters of the main and auxiliary spring, the length of the leaf spring design and check the strength and stiffness, and determine each spring sheet curvature radius, arc height.
Key words: EQ1092F19D1;rear suspension;plate spring
轴距:4700mm 前轮距:1810mm 后轮距:1800mm
最高车速:83km/h 最小转弯直径:18m 最大爬坡度:28%
总长:8145mm 总宽:2470mm 总高:2505mm
载质量:5000kg 整车整备质量:4810kg
前轴允许载荷:2410kg 后轴允许载荷:7600kg

目 录
摘 要 II
Abstract 3
第1章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景 1
1.2悬架功能 1
1.3悬架的结构形式与特征 2
1.4悬架设计要求 3
第2章 确定悬架主要参数 4
2.1 设计参数 4
2.2 悬架静挠度 4
2.3悬架动挠度 5
2.4悬架弹性特性 5
2.5后悬架主、副弹簧刚度的分配 6
第3章 弹性元件的设计 9
3.1钢板弹簧的布置方案 9
3.2钢板弹簧主要参数的确定 9
3.2.1满载弧高 9
3.2.2钢板弹簧片长度L的确定 9
3.2.3确定钢板弹簧片的截面形状和数量 10钢板断面宽度b的确定 10钢板弹簧片厚h的选取 12钢板弹簧截面形状的选择 12钢板弹簧片数的选择 12
3.3钢板弹簧各片长度的确定 12
3.4钢板弹簧刚度验算 13
3.4.1主簧刚度验证 14
3.4.2副簧刚度验证 14
3.5钢板弹簧总成在自由状态时弧高与曲率半径的计算 14
3.5.1钢板弹簧总成在自由状态下的弧高 14
3.5.2钢板弹簧总成自由状态下的曲率半径的确定 15
3.5.3钢板弹簧单片在自由状态下曲率半径的确定 15
3.6主簧片、副簧片在自由状态下弧高的确定 17
3.7钢板弹簧总成弧高的计算与校核 17
3.8汽车驱动与行驶时钢板弹簧强度校核 18
3.8.1汽车驱动时的钢板弹簧强度校核 18
3.8.2汽车在起伏路面上行驶时的载荷计算与强度校核 19
4.1改善钢板弹簧表面质量 20
4.2 优化钢板弹簧热处理加工工艺 20
4.3改善用材性能 20
结 论 22
参考文献 23
附录1 24
钢板弹簧强度验算程序 24
致 谢 25