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摘 要

With the shortage of petroleum in the world and environmental pollution, the development of new environmental protection and energy saving cars has become a hot research direction in the automotive industry, and the pure electric vehicle will be one of the key research directions of new energy vehicles. At present, the total number of passenger cars has a large proportion, the pollution caused by tail gas pollution is very serious to the environment, the development of pure electric bus to reduce environmental pollution and dependence on petroleum is of great significance. At the same time, the high energy utilization rate of pure electric bus has made it become the important position in the development of the future. Based on the same type of grade pure electric bus, this paper tries to design the general layout of the pure electric tour bus. This paper of electric vehicle's basic structure and technology are introduced, analysis the advantages and disadvantages of several kinds of motor and power battery are analyzed, and according to the choice of the vehicle performance target matching and design the motor parameters, battery parameters, transmission ratio distribution and the parameters of the vehicle, the layout scheme of the power transmission system which is suitable for the design of pure electric bus is selected. Finally use CATIA to draw the corresponding chassis general layout.
Key words: pure electric bus; general layout; power matching; transmission system

车辆名称    纯电动旅游客车    车辆类别    客车
外形尺寸    10490mm/2500mm/3520mm
总质量    15700    整备质量    11900
轴荷    前轴荷:5200kg         后轴荷:10500kg
轴数    2    轴距    5000mm
前悬/后悬    2500mm/2900mm    前轮距/后轮距    2000mm/1800mm
接近角/离去角    12°/11°    最小转弯半径    4.0m
轮胎数    6(前2后4)    轮胎规格    11R22.5
最小离地间隙    300mm    纵向通过半径    4.0m
载客数    49人(包括司机)

额定功率    185kw    峰值功率    290kw
额定转速    2500r/min    峰值转速    7000r/min
额定转矩    740N•m    峰值转矩    3100N•m
额定电压    380V    布置形式    后置后驱
总能量    278km•h    总质量    2960kg
单体电池电压    12V    单体电池容量    20Ah
电池组电压    380V    电池组容量    640Ah
单体电池重量    2.5kg    单体电池组重量    80kg
单体电池串联个数    32个    电池组并联个数    37个

最高车速    100km/h    最大爬坡度    25%
续驶里程    200km    常规车速    75km/h
加速性能    0-50km/h加速时间<25s


目  录
第1章 绪 论    1
1.1研究的背景、内容和意义    1
1.2纯电动汽车国内外的发展现状    1
1.2.1国内纯电动汽车的发展现状    1
1.2.2国外纯电动汽车的发展现状    2
第2章 电动汽车的基本结构和技术    3
2.1纯电动汽车的基本结构    3
2.1.1电机驱动子系统    4
2.1.2能源子系统    4
2.1.3辅助子系统    4
2.2纯电动汽车关键技术    4
2.2.1电机技术    4
2.2.2电池技术    6
2.3整车基本参数和性能目标的选取    7
2.3.1整车基本参数的选取    7
2.3.2汽车的动力性参数    7
第3章 纯电动客车其它主要参数的选择    9
3.1纯电动客车形式的选择    9
3.2纯电动客车的电动机布置形式    9
3.3轴距、轮距和前后悬的确定    9
3.4客车的通过性参数和最小转弯半径    10
3.5轮胎的选择    10
第4章 驱动电机的参数匹配和电池组的选择    11
4.1驱动电机的参数计算和选择    11
4.1.1驱动电机功率的计算    11
4.1.2电动机额定转速与最大转速的选择    13
4.1.3驱动电机类型的选择    14
4.2 电机参数表    14
4.2电池组的选择    15
4.2.1电池数目的计算    15
4.2.2电池类型的选择    15
4.2.3电池组的布置方案    16
第5章传动系统参数设计与动力传动方案的确定    17
5.1传动系统参数设计    17
5.2动力传动方案的确定    18
第六章 总结与展望    21
6.1总结    21
6.2展望    21
参考文献    22
附录    23
致谢    25