In this paper, by understanding the modern performance requirements of traditional transport tools and the importance of automobile suspension for the improvement of automobile performance, this paper puts forward the design requirements of the era of important parts shock absorbers in automobile suspension system.A small car designed to meet Dongfeng Peugeot is designed to meet its performance requirements, match its suspension characteristics and adapt to the Chinese market front suspension damper. Using the idea of forward design, the main performance parameters of the shock absorber are determined according to the basic parameters of the above-mentioned specific models.Including the relative damping coefficient, the damper damping coefficient and the maximum unloading force, which can determine the main dimensions of the shock absorber cylinder diameter D, as a benchmark can be calculated by the formula or empirical value to determine the other major design values .For the design of the important parts, the main consideration to meet the performance requirements and functional requirements, according to the design theory and empirical value range to determine the parameters. Through this way the design of the final design to meet the design requirements of the shock absorber structure.meanwhile, for the analysis of the process, the damper of the main parts of the process of macro-introduction, because the shock absorber contains a large number of parts, so one of the most important and complex structureparts of the piston in shock absorber as an example, from the process route selection, processing process analysis, process analysis and other aspects of the piston processing process for a detailed analysis. As the main entry point to analyze the overall shock absorber processing
Keywords:Shock absorber design;gHydraulic; cylinder; process
本文针对以东风标致307 1.6L车型为代表的紧凑型小轿车的前悬麦弗逊悬架设计支柱式液压减振器。
表2.1东风标致307 1.6L车型参数
项目 内容
车型 东风标致307 1.6L
整备质量(Kg) 1304
满载质量(Kg) 1717
长宽高(mm) 4249*1786*1556
前/后轮距(mm) 1505/1497
轴距(mm) 2608
最大功率(Kw) 86
最大扭矩(N•m) 150
簧上质量(kg) 1550
悬架布置 前悬:麦弗逊式独立悬架

第1章 绪论 1
1.1减振器的研究意义 1
1.2减振器的发展及国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1减振器的发展 1
1.2.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3减振器的主要结构形式及工作原理 2
1.4减振器的设计要求及设计思路 3
1.4.1减振器的设计要求 3
1.4.2减振器的设计思路 3
第2章 汽车液压筒式减振器设计 5
2.1车辆简化模型及振动 5
2.2 减振器的速度特性和示功特性 5
2.3 减振器主要性能参数的确定 6
第3章 减振器结构零部件设计 9
3.1 减振器缸筒设计 9
3.1.1 减振器工作缸筒设计 9
3.1.2 减振器外缸筒设计 11
3.1.3 减振器活塞行程的确定 11
3.2 减振器活塞杆总成设计 12
3.2.1 减振器的活塞杆的设计 12
3.2.2 缓冲套设计 14
3.3 减振器活塞总成设计 15
3.3.1 活塞体结构设计 15
3.3.2活塞孔的设计 16
3.3.3 活塞环的设计 16
3.3.4复原阀结构设计 16
3.3.5流通阀结构设计 18
3.4 减振器底阀总成设计 19
3.5 导向器及油封的设计 20
3.6本章小结 20
第4章 机械加工工艺流程分析 21
4.1毛坯设计 21
4.2 工艺路线的拟定 22
4.3 加工设备及工艺装备的选择 23
4.4 加工余量的确定 24
4.5 切削用量的确定 24
4.6 时间定额的计算 27
4.7本章小结 27
第5章 总结与展望 28
参考文献 29
附录一 工艺过程卡 31
附录二 工序卡 32
致谢 33