Light truck frame design and 3 d modeling
This design topic is about the design of light truck frame. The frame structure designed is the side frame with the beam width, that the shape of longitudinal and cross-section beams are slot, and using the welding technology and longitudinal beam and beams together.This manual covers the present stage light trucks technology development trends, as well as the development of light-duty trucks frame at home and abroad; This manual also elaborated the overall designs of light trucks:principle of type selection of the frame、the frame of the technical requirements、the structural design of the frame、The choice of the form of frame beam and the longitudinal beam 、Select the frame main parameters、Reference model (lily ZB5040XXYBC3S carrier)、analysis of load the frame suffers and the strength calculation .To simplify the frame as in counting a simple fixed on the support structure, and then calculate the strength With the theory of material mechanics and mechanics knowledge and determine the size of the frame rails with the precondition that it meets the requirement of stress also the selection of frame materials. This manual also briefly describes the frame of the manufacturing process such as: beam manufacturing process, welding process, coating process, etc.At the same time using proe software for modeling analysis frame.
Key words: light-sized trucks, trailers, design,Manufacturing process,
Three-dimensional modeling
发动机型号SD4W58-3U 发动机功率58 kw
发动机排量2156ML 发动机类型柴油发动机
外形尺寸长×宽×高5150×1695×2660 mm
货箱栏板内尺寸2390×1585×1700 mm
总质量3770 Kg 整备质量1780 Kg 额定载质量1665 Kg 接近角/离去角21/16
前悬/后悬1010/1105 mm 轴距2700 mm
轴荷1260/2510 N 最高车速90 km/h
前轮距1240 mm 后轮距1360 mm
底盘型号ZB5040XXYBSC3S 轴数2

摘要 I
abstract II
目录 i
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 概述 1
1.2 车架的发展 2
第2章 设计总体方案 5
2.1 设计选型原则 5
2.2 车架在实际环境下要面对的4 种压力 6
2.3 车架设计的技术要求 7
2.3.1 必须有足够的强度 7
2.3.2 车架的轻量化 8
2.4 车架的结构设计 8
2.4.1 纵梁形式的确定 9
2.4.2 横梁形式的确定 9
2.4.3 横梁与纵梁的连接方式 10
第3章 主要尺寸参数的选定 12
3.1 参考车型及其参数 12
3.2 外廓尺寸 12
3.2.1 装载质量mG 12
3.2.2 整备质量m0 12
3.2.3 满载质量ma 12
3.2.4 车架宽度 13
3.2.5 轴距L 13
第4章 车架的计算 14
4.1 纵梁弯曲应力 14
4.2 局部扭转应力 15
4.3 车架载荷分析 16
4.4 车架弯曲强度的计算 17
4.4.1 受力分析 17
4.4.2 弯矩的计算 17
4.5 车架材料的确定 21
4.6 纵梁截面特性的计算 22
4.7 强度校核 22
4.7.1 弯曲应力计算与校核 22
4.7.2 临界弯曲应力δc 计算和校核 23
第5章 车架的制造工艺 24
5.1 车架梁的制造工艺 24
5.1.1 纵梁 24
5.1.2 横梁 25
5.1.3 连接板 27
5.2 焊接工艺 27
5.2.1 焊接工艺分析 27
5.2.2 焊接方法和焊接参数的选择 28
5.2.3 焊接工艺流程 28
5.3 涂装工艺 28
第6章 三维建模 30
6.1 proe参数化建模简介 30
6.2 proe建模功能简介 32
6.3 三维建模方式 35
6.4 车架零件三维建模 35
6.4.1 挂钩的三维建模 35
6.4.2 其他零件建模 39
6.5 车架总成装配 42
结论 46
参考文献 47
致谢 49