摘 要
PTU is the essential part of the Light off-road vehicle, only a few materials about PTU can be found nowadays. So this paper has very important meanings. This paper first introduces the principle and significant of the transfer of the two wheel drive to all-wheel drive, then explain the construction and principle of the PTU in the Light off-road vehicle’s driveline. According to the type of the Light off-road vehicle, we design mainly part of the PTU which called Bevel gear. In this paper, the Bevel gear we design is called gleason spiral bevel gear which is very normal in cars. First we calculate the gear’s ratio, then, we design the axle, bearing and other parts. In additional, we check them to see whether they meet the requirement. This thesis mainly states the construction and principle of the PTU and introduces the design and check method of the gleason spiral bevel gear, axle and bearing. The design results show that all the parts meet the requirement.
Key Words:Light off-road vehicle; PTU; gleason spiral bevel gear; axle; bearing.
轴距 :2560mm;
发动机最大输出扭矩 :210N•m;
整车整备质量 :1495kg;
最高车速 :190km/h;
最大功率时候发动机转速 :4200r/min;
轮胎型号:235/55 R18;
由以上数据不难得到车辆的滚动半径 =235×0.55+25.4×18×0.5=357.8mm;
满载质量 = +75×5+100=1970kg;

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 设计背景,目的及意义 1
1.2 设计内容及目标 1
1.2.1 设计内容 1
1.2.2 目标 2
第2章 轻型越野车车型的选定 3
2.1 车型的选择 3
2.2 车辆基本参数的确定 3
2.2.1 车辆参数的确定 3
2.2.2 主减速比的验算 3
2.2.3 变速器各个挡位传动比的确定 4
第3章 锥齿轮的设计 5
3.1 初选传动比 5
3.2 载荷的计算 5
3.3 基本参数的确定 7
3.3.1 齿数的选择 7
3.3.2 分度圆直径以及模数的确定 8
3.3.3 压力角和螺旋角的选择 9
3.3.4 分度锥角,大端锥距,齿宽等参数的确定 9
3.4 锥齿轮的校核 11
3.4.1 弧齿锥齿轮齿根承载能力计算 12
3.4.2 弧齿锥齿轮齿面承载能力计算 15
3.5 锥齿轮受力计算 20
第4章 轴的设计 21
4.1 轴的类型 21
4.2 轴的材料及热处理 21
4.3 轴径的初步估算 21
4.4 轴的受力分析与计算 22
4.4.1 输入轴的受力计算 22
4.4.2 输出轴的受力计算 23
4.5 轴的校核 24
4.5.1 输入轴的校核 24
4.5.2 输出轴的校核 25
第5章 滚动轴承和键的设计 28
5.1 滚动轴承的类型 28
5.2 滚动轴承的校核 28
5.2.1 输入轴上轴承的校核 28
5.2.2 输出轴上轴承的校核 30
5.3 键的设计 31
5.3.1 键的尺寸 31
5.3.2键的校核 31
第6章 结论 33
参考文献 34
致 谢 35