关键词:虚拟设计 人机工程学 汽车驾驶室 模态分析 人机评价
Based on the theory of ergonomics and virtual design, this paper carries out virtual design and human-vehicle evaluation of the car cabs of selected models in order to shorten the cab design cycle and reduce the driver's fatigue during driving. Firstly, the CATIA is used to model and assemble the components in the car's cab, and then ANSYS is used to perform modal analysis on the car seat skeleton. The dynamic comfort of the designed car cab is verified by analyzing the vibration mode and resonant frequency. In the end, the CATIA ergonomics design and analysis platform was used to check the comfort, field of vision, hand extension, and range of the sitting posture. The comfort of the sitting posture included angle checking and rapid upper limb evaluation. The main work is as follows:
(1) In-depth understanding and study of relevant virtual design theory, determine the virtual design method and form to be used in this design, and basically complete the initial conception of the design of the car cab.
(2) Grasp the ergonomic theory and layout tools to be used in the design of car cabs, in order to lay a theoretical foundation for the layout design of various components in the cab.
(3) According to national and industry-related standards, combined with virtual design theory and ergonomics theory, the layout of the cab's pedals, seats, steering wheel, instrument panel, A-pillar, and automobile top cover is sequentially designed and utilized by CATIA.
(4) The seat skeleton model is constructed according to the seat model, and the modal analysis of the seat skeleton model is performed to obtain the 6th vibration mode and resonance frequency, and the resonance frequency is analyzed with the road excitation frequency and the human sensitive frequency. Compare and predict the dynamic comfort of the car's cab.
(5) Using CATIA to evaluate sitting comfort, field of vision and hand extension range. Among them, sitting comfort is to check whether the angle of the driver's joints is within the angle range of the comfortable sitting posture ,Then use the fast upper limb evaluation function to score the human body model. The field of vision, hand reach, and range are established directly to determine whether it meets ergonomic design requirements.
The virtual design method studied in this paper can greatly shorten the design cycle of the car's cab and reduce the design cost. The ergonomics theory can reduce the driver's fatigue during the driving process, make the combination of the machine more thoroughly and ensure the vehicle. Safe driving; the addition of modal analysis ensures the dynamic comfort of the driver's cab and reduces driver's discomfort caused by vehicle vibration.
Keywords: Virtual design;Ergonomics;Vehicle cab;Modal analysis;Human assessment

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 虚拟设计 1
1.1.1虚拟设计概述 1
1.1.2虚拟设计方法 2
1.2人机工程学概述 3
1.3研究的目的及意义 4
1.4国内外研究现状及发展前景分析 4
1.4.1国内外研究现状分析 5
1.4.2发展前景分析 5
1.5 研究内容 6
1.6本章小结 6
第2章 汽车驾驶室人机工程设计理论与布置工具 7
2.1人体模型 7
2.2 H点设计方法 7
2.2.1 H点概述 8
2.2.2 H点行程 9
2.3 眼椭圆 11
2.3.1眼椭圆概述 11
2.3.2眼椭圆尺寸及定位 11
2.3.3眼椭圆的应用方法 13
2.4头廓包络 13
2.5驾驶员手伸及界面 15
2.6本章小结 16
第3章 汽车驾驶室三维模型的建立 17
3.1 H点行程及R点设计 17
3.2 踏板设计 18
3.2.1 踏板布置形式的确定 19
3.2.2 踏板尺寸及位置的确定 19
3.3驾驶员座椅的布置设计 20
3.3.1座椅的主要设计参数 20
3.3.2人体模型尺寸测量 21
3.3.3座椅参数确定 22
3.4 转向盘的布置及设计 23
3.4.1 轮辐形状的选择 24
3.4.2 转向盘直径与轮缘截面的确定 24
3.4.3转向盘倾角的确定 24
3.4.4 转向盘中心位置的确定 25
3.5 仪表板布置设计 26
3.5.1 眼椭圆尺寸及位置的确定 26
3.5.2 仪表板主断面布置设计 27
3.5.3仪表板区域划分 29
3.5.4副仪表板的布置设计 30
3.6 驾驶室其他部件的布置与设计 31
3.6.1 A柱的布置 31
3.6.2顶盖的布置设计 32
3.7本章小结 33
第4章 汽车座椅的模态分析 34
4.1 汽车座椅模态分析理论 34
4.1.1计算模态分析理论 34
4.2汽车座椅骨架概述 35
4.2.1 靠背骨架 35
4.2.2 坐垫骨架 36
4.2.3 座椅角度调节器 37
4.3 汽车座椅骨架几何建模与简化 37
4.4 汽车座椅骨架模态分析 38
4.4.1 几何处理 38
4.4.2 材料属性 39
4.4.3 连接与约束关系的简化 39
4.4.4 网格划分 39
4.4.5 阶数的选择 40
4.4.6 模态分析结果 40
4.5 本章小结 42
第5章 汽车驾驶室人机工程学仿真分析 43
5.1 人机工程学仿真分析概述 43
5.2 坐姿舒适性检验 44
5.2 驾驶室视野与手触及界面检验 47
5.3 本章小结 48
第6章 结论及展望 49
6.1 论文总结 49
6.2 工作展望 49
参考文献 50
致 谢 52