Quadruped robot has more advantages than other types of robots in practical applications such as transportation, emergency rescue and military activities. With the continuous expansion of its application scope, how to improve the rapid and stable performance has become a hot topic in the research of quadruped robot, the necessary conditions for the development of quadruped robot put forward higher and higher requirements for the real-time and stability of its control system.
In this thesis, the basic structure and movement mode ofquadruped robot is studied, and a mechanical structure model that can meet its movement demand is proposed, and on this basis, the gait planning scheme of quadruped robot based on trot is analyzed.According to the structure scheme and control requirements, the overall framework of the control system based on CAN communication is designed.
Under the overall framework of the control system, this paper puts forward the design of the hardware system, on the basis of the existing hardware resource introduces the selection of the hardware and circuit arrangement, then completes the software design of the control system, set up the communication between the hardware system, completed the multithreaded programming with MFC based on CAN bus communication interface programming, make communication system CAN meet the requirements of data transmission.
Finally, a prototype experimental platform is introduced, and the position control of the quadruped robot in the trot gait is completed.The results show that the mechanical structure and control communication system of the designed quadruped robot can meet the requirements of its motion control.
Key Words:Quadrupedrobot;Mechanical structure;Trot;CAN communication

第1章绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1 国外研究现状 1
1.2.2 国内研究现状 3
1.3 本文主要研究内容 3
第2章四足机器人机械结构设计与步态规划 4
2.1 引言 4
2.2 犬类生理结构分析 4
2.3 四足机器人结构模型分析 4
2.4 四足机器人机械结构设计原则 5
2.5 四足机器人机械结构设计 7
2.5.1 结构设计参数 7
2.5.2 四足机器人整机设计 7
2.5.3 单腿髋部及其支撑板结构设计 8
2.5.4 腰部结构设计 13
2.6 四足机器人步态规划 13
2.6.1 四足机器人基本步态分析 14
2.6.2 四足机器人运动学分析 15
2.6.3 四足机器人足端轨迹规划 17
2.6.4 仿真分析 17
2.7 本章小结 18
第3章四足机器人控制系统硬件设计 19
3.1 引言 19
3.2 硬件系统设计 19
3.2.1 硬件系统设计总体框架 19
3.2.2 主控制器硬件设计 20
3.2.3 从控层与执行层硬件设计 23
3.3 本章小结 24
第4章四足机器人控制系统软件设计 25
4.1 引言 25
4.2 基于CAN总线通信的控制电机任务需求 25
4.3 软件系统设计 26
4.3.1 软件系统设计总体框架 26
4.3.2 基于CAN总线通信的多线程程序设计 27
4.3.3 MFC交互界面与程序设计 32
4.4 本章小结 38
第5章四足机器人样机平台实验 39
5.1 引言 39
5.2 样机平台介绍 39
5.3 实验验证 39
5.4 本章小结 40
第6章总结与展望 41
6.1 工作总结 41
6.2 研究展望 41
参考文献 42
致谢 43