Suspension have an effect on the vehicle's handling stability and ride performance. Because mine vehicles are heavy,the condition of road is poor,and the force that the suspension withstand is strong,It’s important that suspension has reasonable size and frame.Based on the safety and comfort performance, it is necessary to design the suspension of the mine vehicle so that it can meet its performance requirements.
First,this graduation project selects the types of the front and rear suspendions according to thesuspendion type of the mine vehiclewhich have been produced,and the advantages and disadvantages of all kind of suspensions,and the size and weight of the mine vehicle.
Then, considering the parameters such as the size of the vehicle,full loadedweight and the influence of vehicle vibration on human body, The rigidityand frequency of the suspension,and the size of the parts were selected and calculated. The primary design object is wishbone independent suspension.the secondary design object is steel leaf spring non-independent suspension.
Key Words:mine vehicles;double wishbone;leaf springs;independent suspension;no-n-independent suspension

第1章绪论 1
1.1本课题研究背景 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3 矿用车悬架系统选型及优势分析 1
1.3.1螺旋弹簧独立悬架简介 1
1.3.2双横臂独立悬架的优势 1
1.3.3钢板弹簧的优势 2
1.4本文研究内容和方法 2
第2章双横臂独立悬架系统部件设计计算 3
2.1选取悬架的性能参数 3
2.1.1偏频 3
2.1.2静挠度 4
2.1.3动挠度 5
2.2悬架刚度的设计 5
2.2.1前、后悬架刚度设计 6
2.2.2验证悬架的刚度 6
2.3双横臂独立悬架导向机构设计 7
2.3.1导向机构的布置形式 7
2.3.2双横臂独立悬架导向机构设计 14
2.4螺旋弹簧的设计计算 16
2.4.1螺旋弹簧轴线力分析计算 16
2.4.2换算线刚度 19
2.4.3螺旋弹簧丝径计算 21
2.4.4螺旋弹簧有效圈数和支撑圈 23
2.4.5弹簧长度L的设计 24
2.4.6弹簧节距t的设计 24
2.5本章小结 25
第3章钢板弹簧设计 26
3.1钢板弹簧的布置方式 26
3.2钢板弹簧主要参数的确定 26
3.2.1满载弧高 26
3.2.2钢板弹簧长度 26
3.2.3钢板断面尺寸及片数的确定 27
3.3钢板弹簧各片长度的确定 29
3.4自由状态下钢板弹簧总成的弧高及曲率半径 32
3.5本章小结 33
第4章液压筒式减振器设计计算 34
4.1双向作用筒式减振器的结构和工作原理 34
4.2阻尼元件的选用设计 34
4.2.1阻尼特性 35
4.2.2阻尼比 35
4.2.3减振器阻尼系数 的确定 36
4.2.4最大卸荷力 37
4.2.5工作缸直径的确定 38
4.3本章小结 39
第5章总结 40
参考文献 41
致谢 42