摘 要
With the rise and development of e-commerce and online sales models, express delivery has gradually become an indispensable part of people's daily lives, and the level of transportation efficiency has become a major concern for people. In order to improve transport efficiency, Unmanned Delivery robots have become a major focus of current research. In the process of realizing the unmanned delivery of goods, the ordinary delivery carts do not have the function of climbing stairs and the obstacles. In response to this problem, this paper proposes a wheel-and-leg composite climbing cart and Designed and analyzed it. The car relies on the wheel-driven body like a normal car when it is on the flat ground. After entering the stair-climbing mode, it relies on the cooperation of the telescopic rod and the wheel to achieve the climbing-up action.
Firstly, this paper designs the whole framework of the stair climbing mechanism, and selects the components according to the actual situation; secondly, it plans the upstairs movement of the trolley, and verifies the trolley in the process of going upstairs through admas software. The stability of the car was followed by a finite element simulation of the important structure of the car to verify the reliability of the structure of the car during the flat ground movement and upstairs movement. Finally, the economic and environmental protection of the car was analyzed briefly.
Key Words:Leg-wheel;Stair-climbing;ADMAS simulation;static analysis

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1载物爬楼机 3
1.2.2载人爬楼机 3
1.3论文主要研究内容及工作安排 8
第2章 腿轮复合式爬楼装置结构设计及分析 10
2.1 引言 10
2.2 腿部机构设计 10
2.2.1 腿机构驱动方式选择 10
2.2.2电动推杆型号选择 10
2.3 驱动轮机构设计 12
2.4从动轮结构设计 13
2.5 配送小车尺寸设计 14
2.5.1 整体框架设计 14
2.5.2轮间距设计 15
2.5.3 控制系统布置 16
2.6机构整体形状 16
2.7机构整体重量 16
第3章 配送小车运动轨迹 18
3.1 配送小车爬楼运动轨迹 18
3.2配送小车转向运动轨迹 21
第4章 配送小车静力学分析 22
4.1 上板静力学分析 22
4.1.1平地运动状态进行受力分析 22
4.2.2 爬楼过程中上板受力 23
4.2螺栓连接处静力学分析 24
4.2.1螺栓连接的失效形式与计算准则 24
4.2.2受预紧力和轴向工作载荷的紧螺栓连接 24
4.3倾覆情况分析 25
第5章 配送小车运动分析 28
5.1 ADAMS简介 28
5.2 配送小车虚拟样机建立 28
5.3 仿真结果分析 31
第6章 经济性与环保性分析 37
第7章 总结 38
参考文献 39
致 谢 41