China has been making efforts in grassland desertification control, and the means of combating grassland desertification have increased from manual labor to mechanical equipment. However, due to the greenhouse effect and inland drought in recent years, drought and water scarcity remain a major concern for inland regions such as Xinjiang. The control of desertification requires significant human and economic costs, and requires regular maintenance throughout the year. So, this requires a new approach to combating desertification.
The design of this article is a brand new governance method. The machinery designed in this article is a machine that can mix grass seeds with soil and nutrient solution and spray them on distant grass slopes, called a sprayer. The planting efficiency of this kind of mechanical equipment is extremely high. In the mixed solution, not only can the soil and water be increased, but also other nutrients or humectant and other materials can be added. This way, spraying grass seeds that cover the surface of the land can quickly sprout and cover the ground on a large scale. Eliminating manual labor that is slow and requires a lot of effort.
This article mainly designs several major parts of mechanical equipment. The selection and calculation of the motor and delivery pump that provide power, as well as the calculation and verification of the gears and shafts in the transmission part. There is also the design and optimization of equipment appearance. This article utilizes two-dimensional and three-dimensional software to effectively and reasonably arrange and design mechanical structures. Make the design results closer to the market.
Keywords: Grass seed sprayer machinery

摘要 1
1、绪论 5
1.1 引言 5
1.2国内外研究现状 6
2 总体方案设计 10
2.1 设计任务抽象化 10
2.1.1 确定工艺路线,画出工艺路线图 10
2.2设备的工作原理 11
2.3设备传动方式的确定 11
3传动系统设计 13
3.1电机的选择 13
3.1.1设备负载特性 13
3.2大小齿轮的设计 13
3.2.1设备用大小齿轮的材料 13
3.2.2 大齿圈直径的确定 14
3.2.3 齿形的确定 14
3.2.4 模数的确定 15
3.2.5齿轮强度校核 15
3.2.6大小齿轮速比的确定 17
3.2.7齿数的确定 18
3.2.8齿轮各部分几何尺寸的计算 19
3.2.9齿圈与磨体的联接 19
3.2.10大齿圈的结构设计 20
3.2.11小齿轮的安装布置 22
3.2.12小齿轮与其轴的联接 24
3.3轴的设计 24
3.3.1选择轴的材料 24
3.3.2输出轴上的功率 ,转速 和扭矩 25
3.3.3求作用在齿轮上的力 25
3.3.4轴径的初步估算 25
3.3.5小齿轮轴的结构设计 26
3.3.6 轴的强度的精确校核 27
3.3.7连接轴的结构设计 28
3.4传动轴承的计算与选型 29
3.4.1轴承的选用原则 29
3.4.2轴承校核 29
3.5键的设计 30
3.5轴承盖的设计 31
六、总结 33
七、致谢 34
八、参考文献 35