摘 要
关键词 花生收获机、花生、传动机构、采摘机构
Peanut is the main oil-producing crop for edible oil production in China. It can also be used as a strategic reserve of edible oil. Moreover, the cultivated land in most areas of China is also very suitable for peanut cultivation. With the development of China's agriculture, China's farmland is also increasing, and the area of peanut planting is also increasing. In the face of the growing peanut planting area, the harvest of peanuts will also be a huge task. Therefore, the mechanization of peanut harvester is a very important research direction. Because the fruits of peanuts are underground, it is necessary to dig out the fruits from the ground first, then separate the soil from the peanuts, and finally collect the peanuts. In the process of practice, it was found that the peanut vine on the ground was also an obstacle to mechanical harvesting. Because the vine of peanut will wind the harvesting mechanism, affecting the efficiency of mechanical harvesting. Therefore, the vines on the ground need to be treated before harvesting the underground fruits. Therefore, the design of peanut harvester in this paper includes separation device, picking device and power transmission device. The power transmission device is composed of coupling and chain transmission. The separating device drives the isolating screen through the connecting rod mechanism to separate peanuts and soil lumps. The picking device is composed of slice production and angle adjustment device. This paper makes the following work for the peanut harvester: the introduction of the development process of the peanut harvester, and the introduction of the working principle of the peanut harvester. Overall design scheme of harvester; Power calculation and motor selection. Design of transmission system; Design of separation mechanism; Design of picking mechanism. Calculation and verification of important transmission parts.
Keywords peanut harvester, peanut, transmission mechanism, picking mechanism

摘 要 1
第一章 绪论 5
1.1 引言 5
1.2 国内外的发展现状 5
1.3 花生收获机的发展趋势 7
第二章 总体方案的设计 9
2.1整体布局的设计 9
2.2花生收获机的工作原理 9
第三章 零部件的设计 11
3.1功率的计算 11
3.2传动比 11
3.3链轮之间的链传动设计 11
3.3.1设计要求 11
3.3.2 设计过程 12
3.4 轴的设计 15
3.4.1链轮上力的计算 15
3.4.2材料 15
3.4.3计算轴的最小直径 15
3.4.4轴的结构设计 15
3.5轴的校核 16
3.6键的校核 17
3.7 轴承的校核 17
第四章 传动比的确定与减速器的选择 19
4.1传动比的确定 19
4.2减速器的选择 19
第五章 带轮和链轮的设计 20
5.1带轮的设计 20
5.2链轮的设计 24
a) 链轮的设计目的 24
b) 链轮的设计 24
c) 链轮材料的选择 25
d) 链轮机构的尺寸计算 25
5.3联轴器的选择 26
5.3.1联轴器上轴的设计 27
5.4链轮轴的设计和校核 27
5.4.1链轮轴的设计 27
5.4.2链轮轴的校核 28
5.5分离输送器的设计 29
5.5.1分离输送器的机构及工作过程 29
5.5.2杆条参数的确定 30
5.5.3分离输送器线速度的确定 31
5.6.1采摘铲的设计 33
总结 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36