摘 要
With the continuous development of society, new technologies and new products are emerging in an endless stream. As a basic industry, agriculture and animal husbandry are also growing in the trend of technological innovation. The development of animal husbandry requires specific natural conditions, so in China, the development of animal husbandry is mainly in the north, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, and other places. Because the above places have a large number of grasslands and plains for the development of animal husbandry. However, with the continuous expansion of China's population and the increasing demand for meat in people's lives, livestock farming alone cannot fill a large number of market gaps. Therefore, centralized farming has become the optimal model for the development of animal husbandry. For centralized farming, it is necessary to provide protection for the food and drink of livestock. In the past, the feeding of centralized aquaculture mostly relied on artificial timed and quantitative feeding. The amount of feeding is neither scientific nor labor intensive. As the number of livestock increases, the labor cost of labor is also significantly increasing. Therefore, mechanized and scientific breeding has also become a necessary part of the development of animal husbandry.
The mobile automatic feeding device designed in this article is one of the types of mechanized farming, which is different from large-scale equipment and mechanical management. The main features of this equipment are simple structure, low economic investment, and quick efficiency. Suitable for small livestock industry using family workshops. The mobile automatic feeding device is a set of feeding devices mounted on an electric tricycle. This device can manually adjust the feeding speed based on the number of livestock and the size of the feed chute. Workers only need to ride the tricycle around the livestock farm to complete feeding. It can save a lot of time and labor. It is the perfect embodiment of science replacing productivity.
This article mainly designs and checks the discharge auger, transmission belt, and its transmission device inside the mobile automatic feeding device.
Keywords: feeding, automation, animal husbandry

摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 国内外发展现状 1
1.3 本课题研究的内容及方法 3
第二章 总体方案概述 4
2.1 设计任务 4
2.2 确定工艺路线,画出工艺路线图 4
2.3 功能分解,画出功能树 5
2.4 确定功能机构 5
2.5 方案评价 6
第三章 主要机构设计 8
3.1 送料机构设计 8
3.2减速器的选择 8
3.3联轴器的选择 9
3.4 带轮的设计 9
3.4.1 传动带的设计 10
3.4.2确定带轮的基准直径 10
3.4.3确定传动中心距和带长 10
3.4.4验算主动轮上的包角 11
3.4.5确定V带的根数 11
3.4.6确定带的初拉力 12
3.4.7求V带传动作用在轴上的压力 12
3.5 V带带轮的设计 13
3.5.1 带轮的材料选择 13
3.5.2 结构设计 13
3.5.3从动带轮的设计 14
第四章 传动装置的计算 16
4.1 电动机的选择 16
4.1.1 电动机的类型和结构分析 16
4.1.2 选择送料机电动机的功率 16
4.2 计算总传动比及分配各级的传动比 19
4.3 运动参数及动力参数计算 20
4.3.1 各轴转速计算 20
4.3.2 各轴输入功率计算 20
4.3.3 各轴输入转矩计算 21
第五章 传动零件的设计计算 22
5.1 V带轮传动的设计计算 22
5.2 圆锥齿轮传动的设计计算 26
5.3 圆柱齿轮传动的设计计算 32
第六章 轴的设计计算 37
6.1 主动轴设计计算 37
6.2 锥齿轮输出轴设计计算 41
6.3 惰轮轴设计计算 44
第七章 键联接的选择及计算 45
7.1 电机与电动机带轮联接采用平键连接 46
7.2 主动轴与减速器机带轮联接采用平键连接 46
7.3 锥齿轮输出轴与小圆柱齿轮联接采用平键连接 47
7.4 锥齿轮输出轴与大锥齿轮联接采用平键连接 47
第八章 滚动轴承设计 48
8.1 主动轴的轴承设计计算 48
8.2 输出轴的轴承设计计算 50
结论 53
参考文献 54
致 谢 55