摘 要
Peanut is an important crop in China with high economic value. It is the raw material for extracting peanut oil. The shell of peanut is wrapped with a layer of peanut shell.The peanut shucking machine designed in this project adopts the roller structure. The peanut is hit and rubbed between the roller and the semicircle fence, and the peanut shell is broken to realize the shucking. And the eccentric structure of roller and half grid cage can be used to dehulling peanuts of different sizes, which has a high rate of dehulling, and the device can be used to separate the peanut shell from the peanut. Checking the designed mechanical spare parts; 3d modeling and assembly of mechanical parts; 2 d CAD drawing of parts and assembly drawings
Key words:Peanut sheller; Drum structure; off-centre ;Gradient structure; separat

1 引言 1
1.1研究目的与意义 1
1.2国内外花生脱壳机研究现状和发展 2
1.3 目前花生脱壳机采用的脱壳原理 3
1.4 花生分离机构 6
1.5课题研究的内容 6
2.脱壳机构的比较与选择 7
2.1辊压式脱壳 7
2.2闭式纹杆花生脱壳 7
2.3脱壳方案的确定 7
2.4脱壳机构的改进 8
3.花生脱壳机的原理和方案设计 9
3.1花生脱壳机的原理 9
3.2花生脱壳机的方案设计 9
4.花生脱壳机主要部件的设计 11
4.1滚筒直径和转速的计算 11
4.2脱壳机所需功率计算与电机选择 12
4.3滚筒传动设计与选择 13
4.4传动轴的设计 15
4.5传动轴的校核 17
4.6键连接强度 18
4.7轴承的校核 19
4.8风机传动的设计 19
5.花生脱壳机的各部件设计 22
5.1料斗的设计 22
5.2滚筒的设计和材料的选择 22
5.3半栅笼 23
5.4机架的设计 24
5.5筛分板的设计 25
5.6鼓风叶轮的设计 26
6结论与展望 28
6.1结论 28
6.2展望 28
谢辞 30
参考文献 31