摘 要
The steering system is an integral part of the car, and the steering device is an extremely important part of the steering system. Since the steering device is so important, it must be studied in depth before it can play its important role. The automotive industry is rapidly developing, so car steering gear is also constantly developing and improving. In the mechanical steering gear, the rack and pinion steering gear is simple and compact in structure, and the housing is made of aluminum alloy and magnesium alloy die casting. The quality of the steering gear is relatively small and the occupied volume is small. There is no steering rocker arm and straight pull rod. Therefore, the steering wheel angle can be increased, the rigidity is large, and the manufacturing cost is low, so it is widely used in various automobiles.
This design mainly focuses on the design of the Cheetah CS9 steering gear. First of all, first of all the overall steering system to a more complete understanding, and then query some of the rack and pinion steering gear data and explore, the various types of rack and pinion steering gear are listed, compare their advantages and disadvantages And actual application status, choose the type of steering gear. First consult with the company under the original overall framework parameters of the CS9 car, calculate the power transmission ratio and angular gear ratio of the rotation system, etc. to determine various geometric parameters of the rack and pinion, so as to make the overall of the rack and pinion steering gear In the design, he was subjected to force analysis, fatigue strength check, etc., and he purposely optimized the general layout design of the steering system. Finally, the three-dimensional software catia was used to draw the digital model of the rack and pinion steering gear, drawing the engineering drawings.
Keywords:Steering system; Rack and pinion; steering gear

第一章 绪论 1
1.1 齿轮齿条式转向器概述以及设计背景 1
1.2转向系统的发展现状及趋势 2
第二章 电动助力齿轮齿条式转向系统的概述 4
2.1 转向系统的概述 4
2.1.1 转向系统的分类 4
2.1.2 转向系统的组成 4
2.2 齿轮齿条式转向系统 4
2.2.1齿轮齿条式转向系统的主要部件 4
2.3 阿尔克曼转向理论 6
2.4 CATIA设计软件简介 7
2.5 本章小结 7
第三章 转向系统方案分析及选择 8
3.1转向器的方案分析及选择 8
3.1.1齿轮齿条式 8
3.1.2蜗杆滚轮式 11
3.1.3蜗杆曲柄指销式 11
3.1.4循环球式转向器• 11
3.2 转向操纵机构设计方案 12
3.2.1转向轴方案的分析 12
3.2.2万向节方案的分析 12
3.3转向传动机构 13
3.3.1整体式转向梯形 13
3.3.2 断开式转向梯形 13
3.4电动助力转向机构 14
3.5本章小结 15
第四章 转向系统参数选择与设计 17
4.1 转向系统计算载荷参数确定 17
4.1.1汽车原地转向力矩计算 17
4.1.2 转向轮侧偏角的计算 17
4.1.3角传动比与力传动比的设计 18
4.2 转向器的设计计算 20
4.2.1转向齿轮的设计计算 20
4.2.2轮的主要几何尺寸 24
4.2.3齿条参数的确定 24
4.3转向梯形的设计计算 24
4.4电动助力转向系统设计 26
4.4.1电机的选择 26
4.4.2减速机构 27
4.4.3助力曲线和传感器选择 28
第五章 结论 29
参考文献 30
致 谢 31