Due to fierce competition among car companies and increasingly serious environmental problems, as a major measure to curb the aggravation of the aforementioned problems, the lightweighting of cars has become an unstoppable trend. Moreover, lightweight design is one of the most effective measures to reduce energy consumption and emissions, and it is of great significance for reducing emissions and reducing manufacturing costs. However, lightweight research on passenger vehicles has reached a bottleneck, and special vehicles, especially tankers There is plenty of room for lightweight optimization.
The three-dimensional model of the tank car was established by catia, and the model was pre-processed using hypermesh, and the meshing and working conditions were simulated. The performance check of the tank frame of the semi-trailer tanker was performed. It was found that the model was in conformity with the five working conditions. Its safe use range, and has greater potential for lightweighting.
Using the total mass as an objective function, the constrained function was defined to obtain an approximate model of the lightweight design of the tanker. The Optistruct was used to optimize the size and shape of the design. The optimized model was then subjected to statics and modal analysis. The results showed that it can be used safely. Compared with the optimization, the tanker had a weight reduction of 22%, achieving the goal of lightweighting.
Key words: tanker, Finite element analysis, lightweight design, structural optimizatio
3.2.1 罐体三维模型的建立
表3.1 车架主要尺寸值表
名称 车架总长 车架宽 纵梁高度 横梁高度
尺寸(mm) 12140 1140 680 140

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外油罐车轻量化研究现状 1
1.3 本文主要研究内容 2
第2章 有限元理论基础及Hypermesh软件介绍 4
2.1 有限元法基本理论 4
2.1.1 油罐车有限元法基本思想 4
2.1.2 薄板弯曲理论 4
2.1.3 有限元分析步骤 6
2.2 Hyperworks软件介绍 6
第3章 油罐车CAD与CAE模型建立 8
3.1 半挂式油罐车介绍 8
3.2 油罐车三维模型建立 9
3.2.1 罐体三维模型的建立 9
3.2.2 车架三维模型的建立 11
3.2.3 油罐车罐体车架三维模型的建立 12
3.3 油罐车罐体与车架有限元模型建立 13
3.3.1油罐车罐体与车架有限元模型建立原则 13
3.3.2 模型前处理 13
3.3.3 网格划分及连接方式模拟 14
3.3.4 约束及载荷施加 15
3.4 本章小结 15
第4章 油罐车罐体与车架静力学分析 16
4.1 弯曲工况 16
4.2 扭转工况 17
4.3 转弯工况 17
4.4 制动工况 18
4.5 启动爬坡工况 19
4.6 本章小结 20
第5章 油罐车罐体与车架结构轻量化设计 21
5.1 Optistruct结构优化理论基础 21
5.2 油罐车尺寸优化设计 21
第6章 优化后油罐车罐体与车架性能校核 24
6.1 罐体与车架静力学分析 24
6.2 线性动力分析理论基础 28
6.3 罐体车架空载模态分析 29
6.4 罐体车架满载模态分析 31
6.5 本章小结 33
第7章 结论与展望 34
7.1 结论 34
7.2 展望 34
参考文献 35
致谢 36