关键词:门座起重机 总体设计 回转机构 AUTOCAD
With the rapid development of economic globalization, the port which plays an increasingly important role in the international trade has become the main logistics distribution center. The portal crane which is widely used as a port loading and unloading crane has the advantages of strong operational capability, wide versatility, good mobility and low construction cost. The rotation mechanism is one of the main work mechanisms of the portal crane loading and unloading process, so its design is particularly important.
This design included the overall design of the MQ2535 portal crane and the design of the slewing mechanism, used AUTOCAD software graphical method to determine the size of the main parts of the crane by graphical method, and checks; completed the various types of loads and wheel pressure calculation and stability check; finished the load calculation of the portal crane’ slewing mechanism, and selected the appropriate rotary support, motor, reducer and brake according to the load, then checked them separately; complete the AUTOCAD drawing of the portal crane and the slewing mechanism.
Key Words:portal crane; overall design; slewing mechanism; AUTOCAD

第1章绪论 1
1.1课题研究背景 1
1.2国内外发展现状 1
1.3研究意义 2
1.4本文研究内容 2
第2章 港口MQ2535门机总体设计 3
2.1 性能参数 3
2.2 确定主要工作机构和金属结构的形式 3
2.2.1 确定主要工作机构形式 3
2.2.2 金属结构选型 7
2.3确定起重机主要部件的尺寸 8
2.3.1载重水平位移 8
2.3.2组合臂架补偿图解法 8
2.3.3组合臂架校核 9
2.3.4杠杆活对重法与平衡系统校核 11
2.4 载荷的计算 12
2.4.1 额定起升载荷 12
2.4.2自重载荷 12
2.4.3垂直运动引起的动载荷 14
2.4.4 变速运动引起的载荷 16
2.4.5坡道载荷 16
2.4.6风载荷 17
2.4.7 特殊载荷 24
2.5 轮压的计算 25
2.6整机抗倾覆稳定性计算 29
2.6.1检验原则及方法 29
2.6.2验算工况、载荷系数及组合 29
2.6.3危险倾覆边的确定 30
2.6.4抗倾覆稳定性校核计算式 30
第3章回转机构运行及计算 34
3.1回转机构的组成和典型形式 34
3.1.1回转机构组成 34
3.1.2回转支承装置 34
3.1.3回转驱动装置 34
3.2 回转支承装置设计计算 35
3.3转盘式回转支承装置的计算与选型校核 36
3.3.1回转支承装置的计算 36
3.3.2回转支承的寿命校核 38
3.4回转机构驱动计算 40
3.4.1摩擦阻力矩 40
3.4.2等效风阻力矩 41
3.4.3坡道阻力矩 41
3.4.4惯性阻力矩 41
3.5电机选型与校核 43
3.5.1电动机功率计算 43
3.5.2 电动机校核 44
3.6.减速器选型 46
3.7.制动力矩的计算 46
3.8.极限力矩联轴器 47
第4章环境影响及经济性分析 48
4.1环境影响分析 48
4.2经济性分析 48
第5章 总结与展望 50
5.1 工作总结 50
5.2 工作展望 50
致谢 51
参考文献 52