摘 要
With the rapid development of the automobile industry, the amount of vehicles is increasing continuously. The Vehicle safety performance has become a serious problem which people pay more attentions to in daily life. And timing detection becomes an important measure to assure the traffic safety. Brake performance is an important aspect of the vehicle safety performance. Therefore,it makes significant sense to design automobile safety test rig whose important part is mechanical system .
Through collecting relative information, this paper introduces detail knowledge of the mechanical structure and working principle of vehicle brake test rig, and expounds the advantages and disadvantages of plate-type braking test rig and counterforce type of roller braking test rig in comparison. On the basic of the object of ACZD-10 counterforce type of roller braking test rig to surveying and mapping, the sketches of overall layout are designed, and the mechanical structure is designed reasonably.
In the mechanical system design and the choice of roller counterforce type braking test rig, the effects of every aspect are considered fully. Through mapping and researching the ACZD-10 counterforce type of roller braking test rig, drum axle, sprocket and bearing are designed and checked, and the right of reducer and motor are chosen. The system graph, parts drawing, excavation figure, frame diagram are drawn out.
The designed counterforce type of roller braking test rig ,that is based on the ACZD-10 counterforce type of roller braking test rig and is composed with the more proper and economical parts , by fully considering the concise、economic and practical of mechanical design.
Keywords: Vehicle engineering; Counterforce type of roller braking test rig; Design; Vehicle safety
平板式制动检验台的外形如图3.1所示。由四块表面扎花的平板按前、 后各两块并列布置,板间间距与受检车轮距相适应,前、后板间间距与受检车轴距相适应;各块平板如图路面,均支承在钢球上,且各自独立,只可作纵向位移。
平板式制动检验台的结构原理,如图3.2所示。通常由四块平板、力传感器、支承钢球、底架及指示、控制装置等组成。制动检测时,受检车辆以5~10 km/h的速度驶上制动台,当前、后轮分别驶达平板后,控制系统指示驾驶员急踩制动踏板,车轮制动器产生的制动力使车轮在平板上附加一个与车轮制动力大小相等、方向相反的作用力,推动平板沿纵向位移,经力传感器就测出了车轮的制动力,并由显示、打印装置输出检测结果[4]。

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 汽车制动检测的国内外研究现状及发展趋势 1
1.2 汽车制动检测研究意义 2
第二章 汽车制动性能检验 3
2.1 制动系检测参数及相关标准、限值 3
2.1.1 制动距离、制动跑偏 3
2.1.2 制动减速度 4
2.1.3 制动力 5
2.1.4 制动器作用时间 7
2.2 制动性能检测方法 7
2.2.1 路试检测法 7
2.2.2 台试检测法 8
第三章 汽车制动检验台 9
3.1平板式制动检验台 9
3.1.1 结构原理 9
3.1.2平板式制动检验台的类别 10
3.2 滚筒反力式制动检验台 10
3.2.1检测原理 10
3.2.2总体构造 11
3.2.3 ACZD-10滚筒反力式制动检验台简介 13
第四章 汽车制动检验台的结构设计与校核 14
4.1 汽车制动检验台总体设计方案论证 14
4.1.1 平板制动检验台与滚筒制动检验台优缺点分析 14
4.1.2 汽车制动检验台的总体布局的设计 16
4.1.3 汽车制动检验台基座设计 17
4.2 滚筒装置结构设计与选择 17
4.2.1 滚筒轴的设计与校核 18
4.2.2 轴承的选择与校核 22
4.2.3 链条的选择与校核 27
4.3 第三滚筒的设计 30
4.4 驱动装置的选择 30
4.4.1 电动机的选择 30
4.4.2 减速器的选择 31
4.5 测力杠杆的设计 31
4.6 基坑的设计 32
第五章 结论 33
5.1设计总结 33
5.2设计感想 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36
附录A:英文资料 37
附录B:英文资料翻译 49