摘 要
关键词 制钵机; 育秧; 运动分析; 营养钵
New earthen bowl machine ,which is designed in this text ,is used to produce the seedling bowl ,which is very popular in the agricultural produce .The seedling bowl is made as a cylinder by the nutritional soil ,which consists of all kinds of fertilizer .And there is a cave pit in the top of the bowl , which is the very hole we put the seedling in .Growing and transplanting the seeds in this bowl can make sure the seeds have enough time and nutrition to grow with ,high germination rate ,high survival rate ,strong and anti-pest.
New earthen bowl machine ,differently from the former machine ,has lots of benefits just like :higher production ,easier structure ,more convenient handling ,automation and economy .Besides it can realize the earlier growth ,earlier maturity ,earlier on market , and it can economy labor force ,fertilizer and agrochemical at the same time.
This text is going to introduce the New earthen bowl machine about its structure ,motion ,work principle and size.
Keywords earthen; bowl machine; nursery; kinematical analysis; bowl

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 国内发展概况 1
1.2 国外发展状况 1
1.3 制钵机的应用前景 2
第2章 制钵机的构成 5
2.1 工作机构完成的主要工作过程: 5
2.2 传动机构 5
2.3 机构的方案比较及选择 6
2.3.1 制钵压钵、送钵执行机构的方案比较 6
第3章 铺土机构设计及参数要求 8
3.1 铺土机构设计 8
3.2 打孔机构的设计 8
3.21 打孔机构设计参数及要求 8
3.22 打孔机构设计 8
3.23 打孔机构液压缸的设计 8
3.3 液压缸筒厚和外径的确定 10
3.4 液压缸工作行程的确定 10
3.4.1 播种机构设计参数及要求 10
3.4.2 播种机构设计 10
3.4.3 播种机构液压缸的设计 12
第4章 脱模机构和传动机构设计 14
4.1 压实和脱模机构的设计 14
4.1.1 压实和脱模机构设计参数及要求 14
4.1.2 压实和脱模机构设计 14
第5章 电动机功率和轴径的选择 15
5.1 传动比的确定 16
5.2 蜗杆和蜗轮的结构设计 16
5.2.1 传径动直齿圆柱齿轮的设计 17
5.2.2 径向蜗形凸轮的设计 19
5.3圆锥齿轮设计和校对 21
结 论 23
致 谢 24
参考文献 26