Design of Working Mechanism and Drive System on the 25t Hydraulic Excavator
Hydraulic excavator is a kind of multifunction machine used widely in construction field, and it is a primary kind of construction machinery. Because of its characteristics: multifunction, high quality and efficiency, many companies like to use it, and its manufacturing is developing day by day.
Hydraulic excavator composed of the parts like engine, hydraulic system, working equipment, rotary device, walking mechanism and control system and so on. Two main parts: working mechanism's and hydraulic system's designing make up of this article.
Hydraulic excavator consists of three parts, swing arm, bucket arm, scraper bucket. These major mechanism often start, brake, reversing, the external load they withstood changes a lot, poor working conditions, and much shock and vibration, all this to the high designing requirements of the working mechanism of the hydraulic excavator, On the geometric dimensions, need to meet the reasonable excavating area of distribution. At any position in the entire excavating area, required to achieve maximum excavating force is not economy, but in the major excavating area, the excavator can achieve maximum excavating force. In the premise of meet structure of each part to working properly, ensure the strength and stiffness characteristics of the working mechanism.
The paper comprehensive collected of design information of the excavator working device at home and abroad, analyzed the principle, structural features, and typical working condition, summarized the design requirements of excavator working device and drive system. And then put forward the new designing methods which combined the traditional designing methods with the designing methods based on computer simulation. On the basis of determine the size parameters of working device, simulated motion and analyze stress. Then careful analyze of several typical working conditions of the excavator, and describes the basic types of hydraulic systems, loop, taking into the designing requirements of drive system, finally the drive system which meet the requirements was designed.
Key words: excavator; working mechanism; drive system; plane and link organ

目 录
1绪论 1
1.1挖掘机的研究现状 1
1.2本课题的研究意义与目的 2
1.3国内外挖掘机生产现状及发展趋势 3
2挖掘机工作装置设计 7
2.1挖掘机工作装置 8
2.1.1反铲装置结构形式 8
2.1.2反铲装置工作特点 14
2.2工作装置结构方案的确定 17
2.2.1动臂结构及动臂油缸的布置 17
2.2.2斗杆及斗杆液压缸的布置 18
2.2.3确定动臂与斗杆的长度比 18
2.2.4确定铲斗连杆机构的结构形式 19
2.2.5确定各液压缸的数目、缸径及伸缩比 19
2.3铲斗的设计 19
2.4动臂结构的设计 22
2.5斗杆机构的设计 23
2.6铲斗连杆机构的设计 25
2.7工作装置运动分析 26
2.8工作装置受力分析 28
2.8.1铲斗连杆机构及斗杆的受力分析 28
2.8.2 动臂的受力分析 33
2.8.3 轴的设计计算 35
3液压系统设计 43
3.1挖掘机工况分析 43
3.1.2挖掘机典型工况 43
3.1.3满斗举升回转工况分析 45
3.1.4卸载工况分析 45
3.1.5空斗返回工况分析 46
3.2挖掘机工作装置对液压系统的要求 46
3.3液压系统的类型 47
3.3.1定量系统 47
3.3.2变量系统 47
3.4液压系统的基本回路 47
3.4.1限压回路 47
3.4.2卸荷回路 49
3.4.3调速和限速回路 49
3.5液压系统图 50
3.5.1液压系统工作原理图 50
3.5.2液压系统电气控制原理图 52
3.6液压系统计算及元件的选择 52
3.6.1液压缸的设计计算及选择 52
3.6.2液压泵的主要参数的确定及选择 59
3.6.3管路和管接头的选择 61
3.6.4油箱的设计 62
3.7液压系统性能验算 63
3.8液压系统油液温升验算 64
4结论 66
5参考文献 67
6致谢 68