关键词: 绞肉机; 挤肉样板; 绞刀
This article describes the working principle of the meat processing machine, meat grinder, and its main technical parameters, production ability and the analysis of the structure design of typical parts.
This meat grinder coupling the enbvironment of rotation, has the very high protection grade, smooth operation, compact structure, work is reliable. The equipment manufacture is simple, smooth lines, no hidden besmirch the blank edge cracks and damage to the operator, easy cleaning, this meat grinder for any hotels, hotels, restaurants, canteens ground meat
This meat grinder is mainly depends on the drum from the tray meat meat pushed to pushing the screw extrusion model, make full use of rotating blade and model on the crowded meat orderly hole forming shear action finally cut up meat, and under the action of drum, the even thickness of grains constantly discharge outside the meat sample. In this case, the meat of meat grinder hopper continuously through the tray into the drum, and the meat has been closed. Because of the meat grinder in the day
Life often use range is very wide, large pieces of raw meat can be ground into particles or paste shape according to the requirement, and thus more conducive to and other auxiliary seasoning mix, greatly satisfy the needs of different meat processing.
Key words: meat grinder; Squeeze the meat sample; reamer

目 录
第一章绪论 1
第二章结构及工作原理 2
2.1绞肉机的结构 2
2.1.1送料机构 2
2.1.2切割机构 2
2.1.3驱动机构 3
2.2绞肉机的工作原理 3
第三章螺旋供料器的设计 5
3.1绞笼的设计 5
3.1.1绞笼的材料 5
3.1.2螺旋直径 5
3.1.3螺旋供料器的转速 6
3.1.4螺旋节距 6
3.2绞筒的设计 6
第四章传动系统的设计 7
4.1电机的选择 7
4.2带传动的设计 8
4.2.1设计功率 8
4.2.2 选定带型 8
4.2.3 传动比 8
4.2.4 小带轮基准直径 (mm) 8
4.2.5 大带轮基准直径 (mm) 9
4.2.6 带速验算 9
4.2.7 初定轴间距 (mm) 9
4.2.8 所需带的基准长度 (mm) 9
4.2.9 实际轴间距 9
4.2.10 小带轮包角 9
4.2.11单根V带的基本额定功率 10
4.2.12 时单根V带型额定功率增量 10
4.2.13 V带的根数Z 10
4.2.14 单根V带的预紧力 10
4.2.15作用在轴上的力 10
4.2.16带轮的结构和尺寸 11
4.3齿轮传动设计 11
4.3.1选择材料,确定 和 及精度等级。 11
4.3.2按接触强度进行初步设计 12
4.3.3校核齿面接触强度(按B1表8—3—10校核) 14
4.3.4 校核齿根的强度(按B1表8—3—30校核) 15
4.3.5 齿轮及齿轮副精度的检验项目计算(大齿轮) 17
4.4 轴的设计 18
4.4.1 按扭转强度的计算 18
第五章绞刀设计 20
5.1 绞刀的设计 20
5.1.1 刀刃的起讫位置 21
5.1.2 刀刃的前角 22
5.1.3 刀刃的后角 24
5.1.4 刀刃的刃倾角 24
5.1.5 刀刃上任一点位量上绞肉速度 26
5.1.6 刀片的结构 27
第六章生产能力分析 29
6.1 绞刀的切割能力 29
6.2 绞肉机的生产能力G 29
6.3功率消耗N 29
参考文献 32
致谢 33