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This paper takes a small traditional internal combustion engine forklift truck as the prototype and designs it into an electric forklift truck, mainly improving and designing the power system.Considering some practical problems of pure electric vehicles and pure fuel cell vehicles, and considering various power system design schemes comprehensively, based on the principle of feasibility and practicability, the hybrid drive design scheme of fuel cell and battery is finally selected.
This paper mainly studies the type selection and parameter calculation of drive motor, fuel cell and battery, Based on matlab/simulink environment, a simulation model of the research characteristics of the motor is built, and the simulation result is further analyzed. At the same time, in order to achieve the best fuel economy design principle, the optimal power distribution scheme of fuel cell and battery is designed by matlab programming.
The research results show that: for the drive motor, fuel cell and battery, after the parameters are determined, the appropriate selection and matching can meet the requirements of the operation condition of the fork truck of the transmission internal combustion engine, and the electrification scheme of the small fork truck is feasible.
This article features: not only put forward the electric design scheme of small fork truck loading (mainly for the power system), and it is in the pure electric fork fork truck loading and the pure fuel cell loading on the basis of further put forward the fuel cell and hybrid structure of the storage battery, this new design has better practical significance and more broad prospects for development.

KeyWords:electric fork truck;components selection;motor simulation;power distribution


第1章绪论    1
1.1研究背景与意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状    1
1.2.1燃料电池汽车的研究现状    2
1.2.2纯电动汽车的研究现状    2
1.2.3国外电动叉装车的研究现状    2
1.2.4国内电动叉装车的研究现状    3
1.3本文设计目标    3
第2章电动叉装车动力系统设计方案    4
2.1新能源汽车常见动力系统设计方案    4
2.1.1纯燃料电池动力系统    4
2.1.2纯蓄电池动力系统    4
2.1.3蓄电池加内燃机混合动力系统    4
2.1.4燃料电池加蓄电池混合动力系统    5
2.1.5燃料电池加超级电容器混合动力系统    5
2.1.6燃料电池加蓄电池加超级电容器混合动力系统    6
2.2本文电动叉装车动力系统设计方案的确定    7
第3章电池与电机的选取    8
3.1燃料电池的选取    8
3.1.1常用燃料电池的分类    8
3.1.2质子交换膜燃料电池    8
3.2蓄电池的选取    9
3.2.1铅酸动力电池    9
3.2.2镍氢动力电池    10
3.2.3锂离子动力电池    10
3.3电机的选取    10
3.3.1直流有刷电机    10
3.3.2开关磁阻电机    11
3.3.3永磁同步电机    11
3.3.4交流异步电机    11
第4章整车设计参数    13
4.1原始车型的选定    13
4.2可以直接使用的参数    13
4.3通过查阅资料初选的参数    13
4.3.1满载最大爬坡度i_max    13
4.3.2传动比参数    13
4.3.3滚动阻力系数f    14
4.3.4传动系统效率η    14
4.4通过计算得到的参数    14
4.4.1空载滚动半径r_1和满载滚动半径r_2    14
4.4.2空载最大车速v_1和满载最大车速v_2    15
4.5整车设计参数的最终确定    15
第5章电机参数的计算    16
5.1电动机功率的计算    16
5.2电动机转速的计算    16
5.3电动机转矩的计算    16
5.4电动机主要参数的确定    17
第6章电动机的仿真模拟    18
6.1基于simulink环境的电机选型    18
6.2电动机仿真模型的搭建    18
6.3电动机仿真结果的分析    21
第7章燃料电池和蓄电池功率分配方案的最优化设计    23
7.1初始约束条件的确定    23
7.2混合度的概念引入及其范围的确定    23
7.3等效耗氢量概念的引入    25
7.4基于实验数据求得燃油经济性最佳时的h值    26
7.5燃料电池和蓄电池功率具体数值的确定    28
第8章动力系统整体工作分析    30
第9章总结与展望    32
9.1向前总结    32
9.2向后展望    32
参考文献    33
致谢    35