摘 要
关键词 直线滚动导轨 圆柱导轨 气缸
Extensive use of CNC machine tools, mechatronics marked the rapid development and achievements. This paper introduces the processing of CNC surface grinder-link at both ends of the overall design process, a total is divided into the following major parts:
The first part of the mechanical structure for the machine tool design and calculation, introduced a number of non-standard items, such as shaft parts, feed plates, pulley calculation, such as design, selection and calculation of ball screw, V with the selection and use of root to determine the number of known conditions of the selected motor (including the stepper motors and three-phase asynchronous motor);
The second part of the overall design of pneumatic system components and the pressure of selection and calculation of the overall design, including the principle of pressure mapping system, pneumatic circuit components, the original choice of major depression for the pressure tank, pressure pump and valve choice and calculation, as the air pressure pump driven by the needs of electric, so to join in this part of the pump motor selection and calculation;
The third part of the design is divided into control, including the choice of the controller to control the flow chart of the drawing, the rendering hardware circuitry to control the preparation process, the design of the hardware circuit diagram in accordance with the design of mechanical parts of the selected motor to determine the the driver chip.
In addition to three major addition, the paper also presented a rough mechatronics technology development, can be used as the use of machine tool technology
Keywords linear rolling guide rails cylinder cylinder

目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1题目的来源及意义 1
1.2设计内容 1
第2章 总体方案的设计 2
2.1设计的总体目标 2
2.2机械部分可行性分析 2
2.3控制部分可行性分析 5
第3章 机械结构的设计 7
3.1 X、Y、Z工作台和涂胶头导轨副的计算与选型 8
3.1.1 导轨选择考虑的因素: 8
3.1.2 直线滚动导轨副的计算与选型: 9
3.1.3 圆柱直线导轨副的选型: 10
3.2 传动部件的计算和选型 11
3.2.1 滚珠丝杠的特点 11
3.2.2 滚珠丝杠螺母副的计算与选型: 11
3.3 丝杠用电机的选用 15
3.4 增量式旋转编码器的选用 18
3.5 步进电动机驱动电源的选用 18
3.6 联轴器的选型 19
3.7 轴承的选型与校核 20
3.8 机架的设计 21
第4章 气压系统的设计 26
4.1 气压系统原理图 26
4.2气压元件的选择与计算 27
4.2.1吸盘气压缸的计算与选型: 27
4.2.2气压阀类的选用 28
4.2.3气泵的选择计算 29
4.2.4泵用电机的计算与选型 29
4.2.5其它辅助气压元件的选择 30
第5章 控制系统的设计 32
5.1控制器的选择 32
5.2 PLC技术基本原理 32
5.3 PLC控制程序设计 37
5.4PLC型号的选择 38
5.5驱动器的选择 40
5.6控制流程图 42
5.7硬件电路的设计 43
第6章 总结 46
6.1关于机器 46
6.2关于设计 46
致 谢 48
参考文献 49
附录 50