摘 要
关键词:注塑成型; 型芯; 一模四腔
Here to enter the need to turn over a source of plastic materials, low price, quality and performance characteristics. it is in computers and mobile phones, cars and electrical and electronics, instruments, appliance and products manufacturing is an alternative to the role of the most widely used. an injection is a thermoplastic - concrete shape of the main method, the scope of application is very large.
Been shaping the plastic materials in rolls of the material being heated, which has become a highly fluid bolts, or as the pressure of tools, the melted by regulated by a high pressure injection mould of form, after a cooling and solidify, and then die from the adjustment, as of plastic.
The product is of daily use of plastic bottle, and with high practicability. the product design for mass production, the design molds to have high molding efficiency, the system can automatically release, in addition to ensure the quality of the surface forms a side gate and therefore use single cent for the injection, the side gate automatically release the structure of the type. the machine mold is a choice of a module four chambers structure, the system uses the side gate to push out of shape, form a board with the agency to complete the forms of the launch of the process.
Key words:injection; a core; Straight gate

目 录
摘 要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1 模具行业与发展趋势 1
1.2 模具行业的发展 1
1.3 作者主要研究工作 1
1.3.1 主要研究工作 1
2. 塑件成型工艺分析 2
2.1 塑件工艺分析 2
2.1.1 PE的成型特性及工艺参数 2
2.1.2 塑件尺寸精度分析 3
2.1.3 PE塑料注塑成型工艺参数 3
3 注塑设备的选择 4
3.1 塑件制品成型过程中所需要塑料熔体的注塑量 4
3.2 选择注射机 4
4 型腔分布以及分型面的布局设计 5
4.1 型腔的分布 5
4.2 分型面的设计 5
5 浇注系统的设计 7
5.1 主流道的设计 7
5.2 分流道的设计 7
5.3 浇口的选择 8
5.3.1 浇口位置的选用 8
5.3.2 浇注系统的平衡 9
5.3.3 排气的设计 9
6 成型零部件的设计与计算 10
6.1 型腔尺寸计算 10
6.2 型芯尺寸计算 11
6.3 模架的选择 12
7 注塑机的校核 13
7.1最大注射量的校核 13
7.2 锁模力校核 13
7.3 模具与注射机安装部分相关尺寸校核 13
8 脱模机构的设计 15
8.1 导向与定位结构的设计 15
8.1.1 导柱结构 15
8.1.2 导套结构 16
8.2 脱模机构的设计 17
8.2.1 脱模机构设计的总原则 17
8.2.2 推杆设计 17
8.2.3 推杆的形状 17
8.2.4 推杆的位置和布局 17
8.2.5 推件板设计的要点 18
9 温度调节系统的设计 19
9.1 模具冷却系统的设计 19
9.2 模具加热系统的设计 19
10 模具总装配图 21
10.1 模具总装图 21
10.2 开模过程分析 21
结论 22
致 谢 23
参考文献 24