It Introduces the history and prospects of development of plastic mold. Second, Analysis and processing of fixture parts of process performance, etc, including performance of the selected materials, plastic molding characteristics and other requirements, according to the true size of plastic parts and then collate relevant dimensions to optimize the use of its 3D CAD drawing parts diagram, and then select the appropriate mold design injection molding machine according to the specific situation and determine its parting surface. Ultimately focused on casting mold design system, exhaust and cooling systems were introduced. Mold assembly drawing AutoCAD drawing graphics and related parts. The results showed that the injection molded parts in the formation of injection mold cavity design and meet the demand of the core of molded parts can be smoothly opened.
Keywords: clamp;handle injection;mold design;CAD / CAM

目 录
引言 1
第一章塑料模具简介 2
1.1塑料的基础知识 2
1.2 塑料的成型工艺 2
1.3塑料模具的设计路线 2
1.4塑料模具的特点及发展趋势 3
第二章塑件分析 4
2.1塑件的外形分析 4
2.2钳柄塑件材料的(PVC)性能 5
2.3塑件的质量要求 6
第三章注塑机的选择 7
3.1估算塑件体积 7
3.2 注塑机型号的选择 8
3.3 型腔数量以及注射机有关工艺参数的校核 8
3.3.1型腔数量校核 8
3.3.2注射机最大注射量的校核 9
第四章分型面的确定与浇注系统的设计 11
4.1 分型面位置的确定 11
4.2 浇注系统的设计 12
4.2.1 主流道的设计 12
4.2.2分流道设计 13
4.2.3浇口的位置、数量的确定 14
第五章注塑模具设计 16
5.1模架的确定 16
5.2脱模机构的设计 17
5.2.1脱模力的计算 17
5.3斜导柱的设计 18
第六章成型零部件设计 20
6.1型腔工作部位尺寸的确定 20
6.2型芯结构设计与计算 21
第七章排气系统与冷却系统的设计 23
7.1 排气系统设计 23
7.2模具冷却系统的设计 23
第八章模具成型零部件材料的选择与加工制造 28
8.1模具材料的选择 28
8.2模具的加工制造 28
总 结 32
致 谢 33
参考文献: 34