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关键词:交通信号控制机  组态王  S7-300PLC
Design of Intelligent Traffic signal Controller based on PLC
Abstract:With the increasing dependence of modern society on transportation, although governments around the world have invested or are investing a lot of money in improving transportation infrastructure, the traffic conditions in various places are still not optimistic. Traffic jams and traffic accidents are commonplace for us. Improving road infrastructure alone is not enough to solve the above-mentioned traffic problems. We need to find breakthroughs in more advanced control technologies.
The intelligent traffic signal control machine uses configuration king software and Siemens S7-300 series PLC design. The operation process of the intelligent traffic signal control machine can be fully monitored through configuration king software. In the configuration king software, a number of monitoring interfaces such as real-time curves, historical curves, and emergency interfaces are designed, which can query and manage the database of the system. PLC controls the signal acquisition and operation of the entire traffic signal control system. This paper is based on PLC to intelligent traffic signal control design process.
Key words: Traffic signal controller;King view; S7-300 PLC.


目 录
第一章 引言    3
1.1选题的研究背景和意义    3
1.2信号控制技术的发展    3
1.3信号控制机研究现状    3
第二章 智能信号控制系统总体设计方案    4
2.1基于单片机和基于PLC方案比较    4
2.2控制方案的确定    5
2.3系统总体结构设计    6
第三章 智能交通信号控制机的硬件设计    8
3.1 PLC的选型    8
3.1.1 PLC简介    8
3.1.2 选择PLC的型号    8
3.2 PLC的外部引脚接线设计    9
3.3车辆检测装置的选择    10
3.3.1环形线圈检测车流量的工作原理    10
3.3.2传感器信号的转换电路设计    10
3.3.2传感器的安装    11
第四章 智能交通信号控制机的软件设计    12
4.1智能交通信号控制机总体流程设计    12
4.2 输入输出端口的定义与分配    15
4.3控制系统梯形图编写    16
4.3.1自动控制模式的设计    16
4.3.2紧急模式的设计    16
4.3.3车流量检测子程序的设计    17
4.3.4故障检测程序的设计    17
第五章 上位机的监控界面设计    18
5.1上位机软件组态王简介    18
5.2数据库的设计    19
5.3组态王监控画面的绘制    19
5.3.1监控主画面的绘制    19
5.3.2高峰画面的绘制    20
5.3.3紧急画面的绘制    21
5.3.4实时以及历史曲线的显示    21
第六章 智能交通信号控制机的调试与运行    22
6.1组态王与PLC通信    22
6.1.1通信方式的比较与选择    22
6.1.2 MPI通信方式    23
6.2智能交通信号控制机系统的调试与运行    23
第七章 结论    27
参考文献    29
致谢    30