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In this paper,the concentration of hydrogen ions in solution was determined by electrochemical principle and the FPGA technology.This paper described the design of pH measurement system based on FPGA in detail,including the principle of pH electrode,system hardware design,system software design and problems of later circuit debugging.
The pH measurement circuit uses the principle of the original battery system.It uses the pH glass electrode which combines the indicating electrode and reference electrode to convert the chemical signal into the electrical signal.The week signal was amplifies by the amplifier by ten times before it is transmitted to the AD converter.And then the AD converter transmits the conversion results to the FPGA.Next,it calculates the pH value(0~14) of the current solution and control the LCD display to show the value. In addition,the powerful programmable ability of FPGA and the hardware of the test box(DE1-SoC) add functions such as buzzer alarm and pH range control to the system without additional wiring.As FPGA can easily be programmed,the design combines FPGA with pH measurement and successfully realizes the measurement system of liquid pH value based on FPGA.
Key Words:    pH electrode;FPGA;AD converter;LCD display


第1章绪论    1
1.1 背景介绍    1
1.2 pH测量系统研究的重要性    1
1.3 pH传感器的种类及发展状况    1
1.3.1 8-羟基喹啉-5-磺酸修饰电极pH传感器    2
1.3.2 聚苯胺修饰电路超微pH传感器    2
1.3.3 光化学pH传感器    2
1.3.4 固态pH传感器    2
1.4 pH测量及显示系统的主要原理    2
1.5 pH测量系统的发展状况    3
1.6各章简介    4
第2章 pH传感器原理    5
2.1方法简介    5
2.2 pH玻璃电极的构造    5
2.3 pH玻璃电极响应机理    6
2.4 玻璃膜电极电位的产生及测量原理    6
第3章硬件描述    8
3.1整体框图    8
3.2 放大电路    8
3.2.1 放大原理    8
3.2.2 使用芯片    9
3.2.3 LM385-2.5    10
3.2.4放大电路    11
3.3 AD转换器    12
3.3.1 ADC0809的逻辑结构    12
3.3.2 ADC0809的主要性能指标    13
3.3.3 ADC0809的内部逻辑结构    14
3.3.4 ADC0809的时序    14
3.3.5 接口电路    15
3.4 LCD1602液晶显示屏    16
3.4.1简介    16
3.4.2 LCD1602特性    17
3.4.3 引脚    17
3.4.4 LCD1602显示原理    18
3.4.5 LCD1602的指令说明已经时序    19
3.4.6 LCD1602中的CGROM、CGRAM和DDRAM    20
3.4.7 LCD1602的时序    21
3.4.8 LCD1602时序参数    22
3.5 蜂鸣器    23
第4章软件设计    24
4.1 软件    24
4.1.1 软件简介    24
4.1.2 软件功能    24
4.1.3 软件界面图    24
4.2 使用的语言    25
4.2.1 VHDL简介    25
4.2.2 VHDL语言的基本程序结构    25
4.3系统软件设计    26
4.3.1主要框架    26
4.3.2 数据处理    27
4.3.3 AD转换器控制    28
4.3.4 液晶控制    29
4.3.5 按键控制    31
4.3.6 报警控制    31
第5章 实物调试    34
5.1实物调试及解决方案    34
5.2误差分析    34
第6章结论与展望    35
6.1 结论    35
6.2 展望    35
参考文献    36
附录A    37
致谢    46