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摘  要
关键词:短消息  远程控制  PLC

The Design of a remote control system based on GSM network
With the rapid development of modern industry and advancement of technology,industrial control have turn the traditional local control to the remote control, remote control can be achieved by powerful network technology and increasingly sophisticated wireless transmission technology .
 A remote control system with the information exchange in the form of SMS between the local PC client and remote PLC is designed,it realized that PC can control remote device with the PLC. In this system ,PLC communicate with the monitoring PC through OPC technology, and upload the device information it controlled to the monitoring PC, then monitoring PC send the information to the PC client by SMS, Users can send commands to the monitoring PC in the form of SMS depend on the information that PC client received. PLC read and parse commands from the monitoring by OPC , then control the devices .
Key Words: SMS ; remote control ; PLC

2.3.1 GSM通信技术


第一章 绪论    1
1.1 选题背景    1
1.2 课题的研究意义    1
1.3 国内外的研究现状    1
1.4 本文将展开的工作    2
第二章 实现方案及技术    4
2.1 系统的设计方案    4
2.2 系统实现的功能    4
2.3 方案实现的相关技术    4
2.3.1 GSM通信技术    4
2.3.2 Android编程技术    7
2.3.3 socket(TCP)编程技术    9
2.3.4 OPC通信技术    10
第三章 基于android平台的短信应用程序开发    12
3.1 android开发环境的搭建    12
3.2 短信程序开发    16
3.3 短信程序测试    19
第四章 远程监控程序设计    25
4.1监控PC与PLC数据交互    25
4.1.1 PC ACCESS OPC Server    25
4.1.2 PC Access与PCL通信    26
4.1.3 OPC客户端的开发    27
4.2 监控PC与手机通信    29
4.2.1 Socket通信    29
4.2.2 短信息(协议)    29
4.3客户端程序设计    30
第五章 程序的调试及错误报告    31
5.1 程序的调试    31
5.2 程序错误报告    31
第六章  总结与展望    33
参考文献    34