关键词: 微带天线 双频 小型化 HFSS 北斗一代 圆极化 线极化
Fabrication and testing of a small double-dual microstrip antenna based on the Beidou I generation
ABSTRACT:This paper analyzes and studies the microstrip antenna dual-band performance and designed a small dual-frequency microstrip antenna based Compass generation.This paper design dual frequency microstrip patch antenna one-layer structure, the antenna can operate in L-band uplink generation Beidou (1.610 ~ 1.626GHz) and downlink S-band (2.483 ~ 2.500GHz), start-stop frequency to 1.5GHz 3GHz, 1.62GHz frequency points and 2.49GHz.The antenna uses 50Ω coaxial probe feed structure, using a single probe-fed antenna, and the use of a square microstrip patch as the radiating element. Compared with the general structure of the double-patch antenna, the antenna feed point to adjust the position of the use of dual-band.Because of the use of a single patch.The antenna is smaller in size and more conducive to the use and production.Since the circularly polarized satellite antenna is not very understanding, in the simulation process also encountered difficulties. Therefore, this article uses linear polarization instead of circular polarization. Use HFSS software simulation and found a frequency of 1.62GHz and 2.49GHz when reaching the minimum return loss, then the input impedance is 50Ω, the design requirements are meeted.Finally,we produce the real model according to the simulation model.The test of real model compared with the simulation results.It is proved that the design of the paper is feasible.
KEYWORD:microstrip antenna double frequency Miniaturizatio HFSS
目 录
1绪论 3
1.1 课题的背景和意义 3
1.2 国内外的研究现状 3
1.2.1天线的小型化 3
1.2.2共形天线 3
1.2.3天线的多极化 4
1.2.4多频带天线 4
1.2.4天线的圆极化 4
1.3 本文的主要研究内容 4
1.3.1微带天线的小型化和多频化技术 4
1.3.2小型双频平面天线的设计和分析 4
2天线的分析和设计方法 5
2.1 天线的主要参数 5
2.2 项目天线的设计目标 6
2.3微带天线的设计与仿真 6
2.3.1微带天线的设计 6
2.3.2微带天线的仿真 7
2.4 天线的馈电方式 8
2.4.1同轴馈电 8
2.4.2缝隙耦合馈电 8
2.4.3单独激励 8
2.5 微带天线的圆极化实现 8
2.6 天线的结构设计 9
2.7双频天线的性能分析 11
2.7.1天线的回波损耗 11
2.7.2天线的驻波 12
2.7.3天线的辐射特性 12
3微带天线的制作与测试 14
3.1天线的制作 14
3.2 天线测试与仿真结果对比 15
4总结与展望 17
4.1 本文的主要成果与创新 17
4.2未来工作展望 18
参考文献 18
致谢 19