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As a signal source, signal generator is an indispensable measurement tool in the field of electronics. The function is mainly generating various test signals to provide the required signals to the circuit under test to meet the measurement or various practical needs. It is widely used in scientific research experiments and teaching.
At present, China has made many achievements in signal generators. However, in general, it has not yet formed a real industry. There is still a big gap with similar foreign products. Therefore, it is urgent to step up the development of such products.
The system is a digital composite signal generator based on single-chip microcomputer, which has the functions of outputting sine wave, square wave, triangle wave, sawtooth wave, adjustable amplitude and frequency, and can perform waveform recognition and frequency measurement. The whole includes digital-to-analog conversion circuits (DAC0832 and ADC0808), op amp circuits, buttons and LCD modules. Control the generation of four waveforms through the keyboard, change the frequency and amplitude, and display the corresponding information on the LCD screen to achieve the purpose of human-computer interaction.
Key Words:Single chip microcomputer;Signal generator;Waveform recognition;Frequency measurement


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第1章绪论    1
1.1 研究背景及意义    1
1.2 研究现状    1
1.3 论文结构和内容    2
第2章硬件电路设计    3
2.1 仿真调试技术    3
2.2 系统方案和框图    3
2.2.1 总体方案    3
2.2.2 工作原理    3
2.3 信号发生电路    5
2.3.1 单片机最小系统    5
2.3.2 D/A转换原理及其参数指标    7
2.3.3 DAC0832芯片介绍    7
2.3.4数模转换模块    9
2.3.5显示模块    10
2.4 波形检测和频率测量    10
2.4.1 方波转换模块    10
2.4.2 A/D转换原理及参数指标    11
2.4.3 ADC0808芯片介绍    11
2.4.4 模数转换模块    12
2.4.5 显示模块    14
2.4.6 LED报警模块    15
第3章软件    16
3.1 中断    16
3.2 Keil介绍    17
3.3 信号发生电路    17
3.3.1 设计思想    17
3.3.2 流程图    18
3.3.3 参数计算    18
3.4 波形检测和频率测量    21
3.4.1 设计思想    21
3.4.2 流程图    22
3.4.3 参数计算    22
第4章设计仿真    25
4.1 信号发生器仿真结果    25
4.2 波形检测和频率测量仿真结果    28
第5章实物制作    30
5.1 信号发生电路    30
5.2 波形识别、频率测量电路    31
第6章结论    33
6.1 收获与成长    33
6.2 不足与展望    33
参考文献    34
致谢    35
附录A原理图    36
附录B代码    37