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Infrared Remote Control Lock
This essay introduces how to design a lock which can be controlled by a keyboard or a remote control. Except this part, an alarm function module is added in to this design as well. If the wrong code is input too many times, it will give an alarm to remind the house keeper or security.
In this essay, the background, development and study situation are introduced briefly at first, then, each module is illustrated in detail according to the schematic diagram. Next, the subprograms which are in software part is illustrated partly. At last, the debug results and summary are shown at the end of this essay.
The hardware part includes the processing module, the infrared ray launch module, the infrared ray receive module, keyboard module, the lock module and the alarm module. The software part includes the main program, subprograms of keyboard scanning module, indication module, storage protection for power data module and the alarm module. After debugging successfully, welding the real object. Then, debugging again and finish the project when it is confirmed that there is no mistake.
Keywords: infrared remote control、 single-chip、 microcomputer、intelligent


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1背景及意义    1
1.2研究现状    1
1.3设计内容    2
1.4论文内容安排    2
第二章 系统硬件电路设计与实现    4
2.1 总体方案    4
2.2处理模块设计    4
2.2.1 方案选择    5
2.2.2 芯片介绍    5
2.2.3 具体电路实现    5
2.3 矩阵键盘设计    7
2.3.1 方案选择    7
2.3.2 具体电路实现    8
2.4显示模块设计    9
2.4.1 方案选择    9
2.4.2 芯片介绍    9
2.4.3 具体电路实现    10
2.5 掉电存储模块    11
2.5.1 芯片介绍    12
2.5.2 具体电路实现    12
2.6 开锁模块    13
2.7 报警模块    14
2.8 红外发射模块    15
2.9 红外接收模块    16
2.9.1 方案选择    16
2.9.2 具体电路实现    16
2.10 红外遥控    17
2.10.1 红外遥控系统结构    17
2.10.2 红外信号的二进制编码    18
第三章 软件设计    20
3.1 软件总体设计    20
3.2 键盘扫描子程序    21
3.3 显示模块子程序    23
3.4 掉电存储子程序    24
3.4.1 写操作方式    25
3.4.2 读操作方式    26
3.5 报警子程序    27
第四章 系统调试    29
第五章 结语    34
致谢    35
参考文献    36
附录1 原理图    37
附录2 主程序    39
附录3 键盘扫描子程序    59
附录4 显示模块子程序    63
附录5 掉电存储子程序    65