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摘  要
关键词:烟雾报警 CD4060  CX1060  MSP430F449  IAR

Design of infrared smoke alarm
With the fast development of society, the opportunities of fire are constantly increasing. Damage caused by the fire is more and more horrible. Various fire alarms have emerged. And the existing smoke detectors are prone to failure,wrong alarm situation, work very unstable. This paper introduces a design of infrared smoke fire detector ,based on microprocessor  MSP430F449. Design using CD4060 infrared modulation device and CX1060 infrared receiving device,suit to complex environment. The alarm adopts modular design with the advantages that can repair and debugging conveniently, easily system integration etc..With the subtle control of MCU, the infrared smoke alarm can provide strong support for the implementation of fire control system.
This article first analyse the great significance of fire alarms to socielty. Next, judge the different programs, analyse  the advantages and disadvantages of various options to finalize the final implementation. Finally, carry out the hardware and software design which includes all the components in this design. This design is based on the IAR C language programming environment.
Keywords: smoke alarm; CD4060; CX1060 ; MSP430F449; IAR system


目   录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
第一章  绪  论    1
1.1概述    1
1.2 烟雾报警器的应用现状    2
1.3 本章小结    4
第二章 火灾报警系统总体方案设计    5
2.1 系统总体方案设计    5
2.1.1 基于模拟电路的红外烟雾报警器设计方案    5
2.1.2基于单片机的红外烟雾报警器设计方案    5
2.2 本章小结    7
第三章 红外烟雾报警器的硬件设计    8
3.1 单片机模块    8
3.2 红外烟雾传感器的设计    12
3.2.1 红外线发射模块    13
3.2.2 红外接收模块    15
3.3 电源电路设计    17
3.4 声光报警的设计    18
3.5调试电路的搭设    19
3.6 本章小结    19
第四章  红外烟雾报警器的软件设计    21
4.1 C语言在单片机中的应用    21
4.2 红外烟雾报警器的信息采集    22
4.3 USART串行口的编程    23
4.3.1 USART的控制寄存器UCTL    24
4.3.2 USART的程序设计    25
4.4烟雾检测程序设计    26
4.5 本章小结    27
结语    29
参考文献    30
致谢    32
附录1: 红外烟雾报警器电气原理图    33
附录2: 红外烟雾报警器PCB图    34