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摘 要
关键词:数据采集 FPGA VGA 

Multi-channel Information Acquisition System and VGA Display Based on FPGA
With the development of various technologies in the field of information, great progress has been made in data acquisition technology. Data acquisition informatization is the direction of social development, and data acquisition is used in various fields. Data acquisition system is to process, transmit, display and store the data collected in the field. The main function of data acquisition system is to transform analog signal into digital signal, and to analyze, process, store and display it.With the advantages of large capacity and fast speed, FPGA has gradually entered the field of information.
The multi-channel information acquisition system will realize the design of information acquisition to realize the functions of time display, temperature, humidity and smoke concentration measurement.Firstly, the multi-channel information acquisition system is divided into four parts: time part, alarm part, data acquisition part and display part. The time part is mainly to set the real-time time time of the clock module. The alarm part is to set the critical value of temperature and humidity and alarm with buzzer. The data acquisition part mainly collects temperature and humidity and smoke concentration. The display part is to display the time, data acquisition value and alarm value synchronously on the display screen by VGA.
Key words: Data acquisition;FPGA;VGA 


目 录
摘要    Ⅰ
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 数据采集设备的背景    1
1.2 数据采集设备的技术现状    1
1.3 数据采集设备的发展趋势    1
1.4数据采集系统的设计    2
1.5本文的内容安排    2
第二章 系统方案分析与选择论证    4
2.1 系统方案设计    4
2.1.1 微处理器方案    4
2.1.2 温湿度采集模块方案    4
2.1.3烟雾浓度采集模块方案    5
2.1.4 显示模块方案    5
2.1.5 时钟模块    5
2.2 系统最终方案    6
第三章 数据采集系统的硬件设计    7
3.1 FPGA主控系统电路设计    7
3.2 温湿度传感器模块    8
3.2.1 DHT11特性    8
3.2.2 SHT30特性    9
3.3 烟雾浓度采集模块    10
3.3.1 MQ-2 特性     10
3.4 时钟模块    11
3.4.1 DS1302特性    11
3.5 显示模块    11
3.5.1 VGA接口电路图    12
第四章 数据采集系统的软件设计    13
4.1 软件开发环境    13
4.2 总程序描述和流程图    13
4.2.1 程序流程概述    13
4.2.2 程序流程框图    13
4.3 温湿度采集模块软件设计    14
4.3.1 DHT11通讯协议    14
4.3.2 DHT11 数据接收模式介绍    15
4.3.3 DHT11 程序设计思路    15
4.3.4 SHT30 通讯协议    16
4.3.5 SHT30 数据接收模式介绍    17
4.3.6 SHT30 程序设计思路    19
4.4 烟雾浓度采集模块软件设计    20
4.4.1 MQ-2 程序设计    20
4.5 时钟模块软件设计    20
4.5.1 DS1302 通讯协议    20
4.5.2 DS1302 寄存器    21
4.5.3 DS1302 程序设计思路    23
4.6 显示模块软件设计    24
4.6.1 VGA显示原理    24
4.6.2 VGA程序设计思路    26
第五章 系统调试、分析与结果    29
5.1 硬件电路调试    29
第六章 总结与展望    32
6.1 总结    32
6.2 展望    32
致谢    33
参考文献    34
附录一 硬件实物图    35