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摘  要
关键词:外接电子设备的无线遥控    2.4G无线通信技术    即插即用

2.4G remote-control unit based on MCU
 With the progress of human civilization, communications technology has charged. Refers to communication technology, the most frequently we used in daily life is 2.4 G wireless communication technology. The most Common 2.4 G module is NRF24L01 module. NRF24L01 module is made by NORDIC, a Single chip wireless transceiver chip which is working In the 2.4 GHz to 2.4 GHz ISM frequency band. Although this module has been made into integrated circuits, it still cannot be directly used as plug-and-play interface equipment. It's still cumbersome because it needs to design corresponding circuit and cooperate to write a program to make it work. Therefore, the design needs to design a plug-and-play interface function of 2.4 G wireless remote control kit, which could work without peripheral circuit and procedure.
Key words: external electronic ;2.4 G wireless communication technology devices;plug and play;


目  录
基于单片机的机器人遥控器    II
摘  要    II
目  录    IV
第一章  绪论    1
1.1    设计背景与意义    1
1.2    本文研究内容    2
第二章 无线遥控器的分析与选择    3
2.1    无线遥控器的工作流程简介    3
2.2    无线遥控器的方案选择    4
第三章  系统硬件设计    7
3.1    系统硬件概述    7
3.2    模块电路设计    8
3.2.1    系统电源    8
3.2.2    单片机最小系统    10
3.2.3    无线模块    12
3.2.4    控制模块    17
3.2.5    检验模块    18
第四章  系统软件设计    20
4.1    系统软件设计概述    20
4.1.1    发送端主程序    21
4.1.2    接收端主程序    22
4.2    各模块程序设计    24
4.2.1    按键扫描模块    24
4.2.2   nRF24L01发送模块    26
4.2.3   nRF24L01接收模块    28
第五章  系统调试及分析    31
5.1    电路制作    31
5.2    电路调试    31
5.3    程序调试    32
结束语    33
参考文献    34
附录    35
附录 1 系统原理图    35
附录 2 程序(部分)    37
附录 3 系统实物图    37