水族箱是一种专门用来饲养热带鱼等水生动植物的容器。具有很强的观赏价值,能够起到装饰家居环境,调节生活情趣,放松心情的作用。随着我国人民生活水平的不断提高以及精神文化的不断发展, 水族箱得到了不断的普及。
Temperature Control System of aquariums
A aquarium is a kind of containers with high value of ornamental in which fish or other aquatic organism is raised. We can use aquarium to decorate our homes and relax our minds. With the continuous improvement of people's living standard and the persistent development of the spiritual culture of our people, aquariums are increasingly widespread.
A aquarium based on single-chip microcomputer control system design mainly includes the main control unit, temperature and water level acquisition module, keyboard input module, liquid crystal display module, electrical heating module and temperature alarm module. After the determination of scheme, I designed and mapped the principle circuit diagram. On top of this, I imported the PCB, completed the welding of independent components and finished the debugging of both the software and the hardware.
This paper firstly introduces the development and the significance of the aquarium. Then, this paper sketches out the main task of this project, on top of which, I concretely elaborates the function of each module in this project. The design of main control unit is based on STC89C52RC core processor and the temperature acquisition module is based on the core temperature sensor DS18B20. Based on this statement, the paper expounds the choice of the chips in each module and why we did those choices. Following this analysis, I discuss the specific circuit of each unit. Then on that basis, I elaborate the software design of this project. At last, by for the largest part of this paper concerns the story of the debugging of both the software part and the hardware part.
Key Words: aquarium; temperature control; water level control; electrical heating..
摘要 1
Abstract 1
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 背景意义 1
1.2 发展现状 1
1.3 本课题任务 2
第二章 系统硬件电路设计 4
2.1整体设计方案 4
2.2主控模块 4
2.2.1芯片介绍 5
2.2.2 具体电路实现 5
2.3 温度检测模块 7
2.3.1 芯片介绍 8
2.3.2 具体电路实现 8
2.4 水位传感模块 9
2.4.1 芯片介绍 9
2.4.2具体电路实现 10
2.5 电源模块 11
2.6报警电路模块 11
2.7 键盘模块 12
2.8 显示电路模块 13
2.9本章小结 15
第三章 系统软件的设计与分析 16
3.1开发环境介绍 16
3.2系统整体软件的设计 16
3.3温度传感程序 17
3.4 液晶显示程序 18
3.5键盘输入程序 19
3.6 自动加水程序 20
3.7 报警电路程序 21
3.8 本章小结 22
第四章 系统整体调试 23
4.1.硬件电路调试 23
4.2 软件调试 25
4.3系统整体调试 25
4.4 调试中出现的问题 28
4.5 本章小结 29
结语 30
参考文献 31
附录A 系统整体电路原理图 33
附录B PCB图 34
附录C 软件程序清单 35