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  本文主要研究的是基于PCA(principal component analysis)人脸识别,通过提取高维图像的主要特征,将高维图像映射到低维空间,从而大大降低计算机的计算量,从而提高图像识别的效率以及准确率。
关键词:人脸识别;PCA ;仿真

Face Recognition based on PCA(MATLAB)
Abstract:with the development of science and technology,people pay more attention to their own information safety.Traditional identification methods can be cracked easily,absolutely,these methods can not be satisfied social need.However,in area of bio-identification technology,face recognition is easily collected, low cost and has high recognition rate and its result is intuitively.face recognition has now been the emphasis and hot topic of scientific research.
in this paper, based on the PCA,extracting the main feature of high dimension and projecting to low Implementation of the key technologies are as follows:
First of all,introduce the definition of face recognition and its importance,the research result at home and abroad and the trend in the future.Then,Introduce the main algorithm about face recognition,analysis their advantage and disadvantages,and also,introduce the theory about PCA in detail,design the training and identification algorithm. Last,realize the simulation in MATLAB.
Keywords:face recognition ;PCA; simulation

目 录
1. 绪论   
1.1 人脸识别    6
1.2人脸识别的意义    6
1.3人脸识别发展史    6
1.4发展现状及相关研究成果    8
2.基于PCA的人脸识别技术理论    9
2.1什么是人脸识别    9
2.2人脸识别的主流算法    9
2.2.1 PCA(主成成分分析)    9
2.2.2 Discrete Cosine Transform(离散余弦变换)    10
2.2.3 linear discriminant analysis(高斯判别分析)    11
2.2.4 back propagation(反向传播)    12
2.3 PCA算法的理论基础    12
2.3.1矢量运算    12
2.3.2方差    17
2.3.3协方差    18
2.3.4协方差矩阵对角化    19
3. 基于PCA的人脸识别算法设计    21
3.1特征脸空间    21
3.1.1奇异值定理    21
3.1.2 特征脸空间的构造    21
3.2基于PCA人脸识别训练和识别算法设计    22
  3.3识别人脸的仿真流程........ ....23
3.4 小结    23
4. MATLAB的仿真分析    24
4.1基于主成成分分析的人脸识别    24
4.2 MATLAB GUI界面    24
4.2.1 GUI界面的设计    25
4.2.2MATLAB设计的识别人脸GUI界面如下    25
4.2.3 GUI界面的仿真效果    25
4.3 PCA人脸识别效果分析    29
4.4本章小结    30
5.总结    30
参考文献    31
致谢    32