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Anti-drink-driving microcontroller-based monitoring system
Abstract: Current  breath alcohol testing methods for drunk driving don't have very good results. Thus, the vehicle wireless automatic monitoring system will improve drunk driving phenomenon of great help. This project's goal is to design a set of anti-drink-driving automatic monitoring system for drivers. The system is based on MSP430 microcontroller, with MQ-3 alcohol sensor detecting alcohol concentration. When the alcohol content exceeds the threshold value, the MCU controls LCD1602 to display a warning message, controls sound and light module to alarm, also controls GPS module to locate. Then the vehicle license plate number and location information in the form of text message sent to regulators by GSM module.
Keywords: microcontroller; MQ-3 alcohol sensor; GSM; GPS

目 录
1.绪论    1
1.1酒后驾驶的危害    1
1.2酒精浓度检测技术国内外研究发展现状    2
1.2.1国外研究现状    2
1.2.2国内研究现状    2
1.3 GSM研究发展    3
1.4 GPS研究发展    4
1.5研究目的与意义    4
1.6主要研究内容    5
1.6.1总体设计方案    5
1.6.2车载终端系统硬件设计    5
1.6.3车载终端系统软件设计    5
1.6.4系统测试    5
2.硬件系统设计    6
2.1 MQ-3传感器模块    6
2.2 LCD显示模块    8
2.3声光报警模块    9
2.4 GSM短信模块    10
2.5 GPS定位模块    11
2.6单片机最小系统    12
2.6.1单片机简介    12
2.6.2复位电路    14
2.6.3时钟电路    14
3.软件系统设计    16
4.系统调试    17
5.总结展望    18
参考文献    18