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With the development of information industry, people's safety awareness is also developing, so community safety measures should be gradually increased in order to achieve reliable and safe and convenient destination cell, access control intercom system born out of, and in recent years has been rapid development . Today, the trend in the rapid development of information technology, access control intercom system can reliably protect the safety of residents, and has been widely used. In order to achieve control of the channel port authority building and out, visitors and residents can call for dialogue, residents at home to control opening and closing of the door, in an irregular situation can be alarm. This paper is to design a cell access control intercom system, which is based on 89C52 MCU core, the main function of the keyboard module, there are two ways to open the door, enter the password, or visitors enter the door number on the keypad, called the household controlled by the family realized the door lock button, and the user can change the password to further implement security control.
The core of the system is a MCU, by designing hardware and software program, you can achieve intelligent access control system development, and tenants peace of mind.

Keywords: AT89C52-MCU, entrance guard system, intercom system, intelligent building automation
第1章 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 研究意义    2
1.3 研究内容    2
1.4 研究原则    2
第2章 总体设计方案论证    3
2.1 系统方案    3
2.2 系统功能    5
2.3 本章小结    5
第3章 门禁对讲系统硬件电路设计    6
3.1 室外机电路    6
3.1.1 供电电路    6
3.1.2 呼叫电路    8
3.1.3 对讲电路    9
3.1.4 控锁电路    10
3.1.5 矩阵键盘电路    11
3.1.6 显示电路    12
3.1.7 实时时钟电路    14
3.1.8 报警电路    15
3.1.9 单片机电路    16
3.2 室内机电路    17
3.3 系统工作原理    18
3.4 本章小结    18
第4章 系统软件设计    19
4.1 主程序设计    19
4.2 显示模块子程序设计    20
4.3 键盘模块子程序设计    21
4.4 选择呼叫子程序设计    22
4.5 密码开锁子程序设计    23
4.6 密码修改子程序设计    24
4.7 本章小结    24
第5章 系统仿真    25
5.1 呼叫电路仿真    25
5.2 密码开锁电路仿真    26
5.3 本章小结    26
第6章 设计总结    27
参考文献    28
附录A:电路原理图    29
附录B:系统程序    30
致谢    45