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本设计基于单片机的室内TVOC及甲醛浓度的检测系统研究,系统主要由三个主要部分组成。首先以stm32f103单片机为核心板,采用MS-1100为TVOC气体传感器来获得空气中的TVOC浓度值, 第二部分无线传输模块,数据通过WiFi模块esp8266上传至物联网平台OneNet,用户可通过登陆网页实时查看数据信息。实现了远程监测,用户可以非常方便的获得数据信息。第三部分数据显示,传感器采集到的数据通过LCD屏显示,该系统加入了报警程序,当浓度值高于设定值时,将通过led灯的闪烁提醒用户注意空气质量。
关键词:单片机  空气检测  气体传感器  WiFi
Research on Indoor TVOC and Formaldehyde Concentration Detection System Based on Single Chip Microcomputer
    In recent years, with the vigorous advancement of industrialization, the development of urbanization has also been very rapid, and the problems that have arisen have gradually become prominent. The emission of automobile exhaust, the discharge of industrial waste gas, especially the widespread popularity of home decoration, make the air quality drop sharply, and people are more and more concerned about the problem of air quality. The quality of air directly affects people's health, in people. Under the background of increasing concern about air quality, this design has developed an indoor TVOC and formaldehyde concentration detection system based on single-chip microcomputer.
This design is based on the research of indoor TVOC and formaldehyde concentration detection system based on single chip microcomputer. The system is mainly composed of three main parts. Firstly, the stm32f103 single-chip microcomputer is used as the core board, and the MS-1100 is used as the TVOC gas sensor to obtain the TVOC concentration value in the air. The second part of the wireless transmission module, the data is uploaded to the Internet of Things platform OneNet through the WiFi module esp8266, and the user can log in through the webpage in real time. View data information. Remote monitoring is implemented, and users can access data information very conveniently. The third part of the data shows that the data collected by the sensor is displayed on the LCD screen. The system adds an alarm program. When the concentration value is higher than the set value, it will pass the LED light. Flashing reminds the user to pay attention to air quality.The system can measure the indoor TVOC with an accuracy of 0.1ppm and the measurement range from 0-1000ppm. The system is portable and easy to operate compared to other testing equipment on the market. In today's modern society where air quality is deteriorating, this system has great significance for air quality detection.
KeyWords:MCU ; Air detection ; gas sensor; WiFi

目  录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    1
1.3本论文主要研究内容    3
第二章 WiFi及传感器等关键技术简介    5
2.1 WiFi技术简介    5
2.1.1 基本工作原理    5
2.1.2 频段    5
2.1.3 WiFi技术优点    5
2.2 esp8266无线通信模块    6
2.3 TVOC气体传感器简介    7
2.4 OneNet平台简介    8
2.4.1平台概述    8
2.4.2 OneNet平台通讯协议    9
2.5 Keil开发环境简介    9
第三章 检测系统硬件电路设计    10
3.1系统整体设计    10
3.2 stm32f103硬件电路    12
3.2.1 MCU    12
3.2.2下载电路原理    12
3.2.3液晶显示电路    13
3.2.4电源电路    14
3.3 MS1100气体传感器硬件电路    14
3.3WiFi模块ESP8266硬件电路    15
第四章 软件程序设计    17
4.1 系统软件程序设计流程图    17
4.2 TVOC传感器模块程序设计    18
4.3 esp8266模块程序设计    19
4.4 LCD显示程序设计    21
4.5 本章小结    21
第五章 系统调试与仿真    23
5.1 esp8266模块调试    23
5.2 MS1100传感器模块调试    26
5.3 OneNet平台连接测试    27
5.4 proteus仿真    29
5.4.1 proteus简介    29
5.4.2 系统LCD屏仿真    29
5.4.3 报警电路仿真    30
第六章 总结与展望    32
参考文献    33
致谢    35