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本文主要是开发设计出一款试用于短距离、较高精度测量的红外测距仪。采用以STC89C52单片机为核心并选用基于PSD测距原理的GP2Y0A21YK0F型夏普红外传感器。有效测量范围为10cm-80cm且精度为+5mm。由于该型号红外传感器输出模拟电压值,所以需要添加A/D转换模块进行AD转换。增加按键控制模块来调节距离阈值的大小,同时增加蜂鸣器报警模块,当距离值超过设定阈值进行报警,利用Proteus软件对设计进行仿真调试并且所测的结果通过系统软件滤波稳定后直接现场实时读取。使用Visual Basic软件设计一款简单方便的上位机与单片机进行串口通信,实时进行数据的串口输出从而方便记录保存数据。

Design and development of intelligent range finder based on single chip microcomputer
This paper mainly develops and designs an infrared range finder that is used for short distance and high precision measurement. The GP2Y0A21YK0F Sharp infrared sensor based on the principle of PSD ranging is adopted as the core of STC89C52 single chip microcomputer. The effective measurement range is 10cm-80cm and the accuracy is +5mm. Since this type of infrared sensor outputs an analog voltage value, it is necessary to add an A/D conversion module for AD conversion. Increase the button control module to adjust the distance threshold, and increase the buzzer alarm module. When the distance value exceeds the set threshold for alarm, the Proteus software is used to simulate the design and the measured result is stabilized by the system software. Read in real time. Use Visual Basic software to design a simple and convenient upper computer and single-chip serial communication, real-time data serial output to facilitate record and save data.
Keywords: infrared range finder; STC89C52; PSD; AD conversion; serial communication


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章绪论    1
1.1 设计的目的及意义    1
1.2 设计背景    1
1.3 红外线简介    2
1.4 红外传感器应用    2
第二章红外测距仪系统设计    4
2.1 红外测距的原理    4
2.2红外测距的过程    6
2.3 方案设计思想    7
2.4元器件选择    9
第三章红外测距仪硬件电路设计    11
3.1 单片机最小系统电路设计    11
3.2 红外测距模块及AD转换检测电路设计    15
3.3液晶显示电路设计    18
3.4电源电路及按键电路设计    19
3.5 报警电路及数据传输模块电路设计    20
第四章软件设计    22
4.1 主程序模块    22
4.2红外测距AD转换模块    23
4.3液晶显示程序模块    24
4.4 I2C总线程序模块    25
第五章系统仿真与实现    27
5.1 proteus仿真与实现    27
5.2 系统硬件焊接与实现    28
5.3 软硬件调试及优化    30
5.4 仪器与上位机串口通信    33
第六章总结    35
参考文献    36
附录    38