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摘 要
本文提出以STC12C5A60S2单片机为控制核心的智能浇花系统设计。利用 温湿度传感器实现对大气环境中的温度、湿度等相关参数的实时化、精准化测定,湿敏传感器的主要功能是对土壤湿度进行精准高效地测定,光敏传感器的主要功能是对光照强度进行高效准确地测定,采集到的数据通过单片机进行一系列处理后在LCD1602显示器显示。利用GSM模块在单片机控制端与手机之间建立通信连接,当系统检测到湿度低于一定值时自动向指定手机号发送短信,提醒用户,并实行水泵自动浇水。按键可设定湿度的报警阈值。
关键词:智能浇花 STC12C5A60S2 温湿度  光照  远程通信

Design and Implementation of Intelligent FlowerWatering System Based on Single Chip Microcomputer
 Potted flowers and plants increase family warmth and natural flavor,However, there are many shortcomings in traditional manual watering methods, such as improper management or excessive watering at one time.It is necessary to design a watering system based on smart home concept.This paper presents the design of intelligent watering system based on STC12C5A60S2 MCU. Detection of Air Temperature and Humidity by DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor.The humidity sensor detects soil moisture, the light sensor detects light intensity, and the related data are processed by single chip computer anddisplayed on LCD1602 display.GSM module is used to establish a communication connection between the MCU control terminal and the mobile phone. When the humidity is lower than a certain value, the system automatically sends a short message to the designated mobile phone number, reminds the user, and implements the automatic watering of the pump. The button can set the alarm threshold of humidity.
After the hardware and software design is completed, the program is downloaded to MCU and debugged. The final test results show that the intelligent watering system can detect temperature, humidity, light and other information, and take reasonable control measures. It has a certain practicability and innovation.

Key words: Intelligent watering  STC12C5A60S2 temperature   humidity  light remote communication


第1章 绪论    1
1.1研究背景与意义    1
1.2课题研究现状    1
1.3本文主要研究内容    2
第2章 系统总体设计方案    3
2.1课题设计思路    3
2.1.1实物功能分析    3
2.1.2基本硬件框图    3
2.2系统硬件选型    4
2.2.1主控芯片选型    4
2.2.2环境参数检测器件选型    4
2.2.3信息显示器件选型    5
2.2.4无线通信器件选型    6
2.2.5实行浇水器件选型    6
第3章 系统硬件电路设计    7
3.1主控电路设计    7
3.1.1 STC12C5A60S2单片机简介    7
3.1.2单片机最小系统电路    8
3.2电源电路设计    9
3.3环境参数检测电路设计    9
3.3.1空气温湿度检测电路设计    9
3.3.2光强检测电路设计    10
3.3.3土壤湿度检测电路    11
3.4数据显示电路设计    12
3.5无线通信电路设计    13
3.6按键电路设计    14
3.7 水泵控制电路    15
第4章 系统软件设计    16
4.1开发环境简介    16
4.2系统主程序设计    16
4.3温湿度检测程序设计    17
4.4液晶显示程序设计    18
4.5按键延时控制程序设计    19
4.6GSM报警程序设计    20
第5章 系统调试分析    21
结 论    25
参考文献    26
致 谢    28
附录A 电路原理图    29
附录B 系统主程序    30