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摘  要
关键词:分布式发电  配电网  分布式电源   重合闸  在线自适应整定保护  孤岛运行

Research on relay protection for distributed generation system
With the continuous development and improvement of distributed generation technology, distributed generation has become an important part in the future of the power system, the main advantages of distributed power generation is: less investment, quick construction, low operation cost, high reliability. However, the distributed power system will bring new problem to relay protection in distribution network access. Traditional network is generally a single power, radiation type structure, and the access of distributed power supply will make the distribution network structure becomes a multi-terminal network. Therefore, in the access of distributed power supply, we must adjust the original relay protection system.
Firstly, combing the concept of distributed generation grid-connected mode classification, and the current research and development. Introduce the protection configuration of the traditional distribution network, protection against and distributed generation system using the distribution network, mainly three stage current protection and other protection combined, according to the DG location and the position of the fault, the distributed generation to distribution throughout the protection and automatic reclosing is studied, and the simulation results verify.
Introduces some new current protection scheme based on DG, and select the adaptive protection research.According to the characteristics of fault distribution system with DG, presents a self-adaptive protection algorithm, and simulation analysis.On this basis, puts forward the relay configuration of distributed generation system, provides some reference for consideration of relay protection configuration of distributed generation in the future power grid.The initial exploration of the islanding of distributed generation.
Keywords: distributed generation; power distribution network; distributed power; reclosing; online adaptive tuning protection; isolated island operation


目  录
摘  要    I
第一章  绪论    1
1.1 课题背景及意义    1
1.2 国内外发展和研究现状    2
1.3 课题研究内容及步骤    5
第二章  分布式发电技术    6
2.1 分布式发电的概念及特点    6
2.2 分布式发电技术分类    7
2.3 分布式电源    10
2.4 分布式发电运行方式    11
第三章  传统配电网保护配置    13
3.1 配电网的特点    13
3.2 传统三段式电流保护    13
3.2.1 无时限电流速断保护    14
3.2.2 带时限电流速断保护    14
3.2.3 过电流保护    15
3.3 各电压等级下配电网保护配置    16
3.3.1 3~66kV电力线路保护    16
3.3.2 110kV电力线路    17
第四章  分布式发电对配电网的影响    19
4.1 分布式电源接入位置对配电网继电保护影响    19
4.1.1 分布式电源接在配电网馈线末端    19
4.1.2 分布式电源接在配电网馈线中间母线上    22
4.1.3 分布式电源接在配电网馈线始端    23
4.2 分布式电源接入对自动重合闸的影响    24
4.2.1 自动重合闸保护    24
4.2.2 分布式电源对自动重合闸的影响    25
4.3 实例计算    26
4.4 本章小结    31
第五章  基于DG的继电保护方案研究    32
5.1 基于DG的新型电流保护方案    32
5.1.1 基于多Agent技术的自适应保护方案    32
5.1.2 基于DG的配电系统区域纵联保护方案    34
5.1.3 基于DG的方向过电流保护方案    35
5.2 在线自适应整定保护方案    36
5.2.1 分布式发电系统网络结构    36
5.2.2 在线自适应整定保护分析    37
5.2.3 仿真验证    40
5.3 分布式发电系统下继电保护的配置    44
5.4 本章小结    46
第六章  反孤岛保护    47
6.1 分布式发电孤岛问题    47
6.2 孤岛检测方法    48
6.2.1 频率及频率变化率法    48
6.2.2 相位偏移法    49
6.2.3 电压幅值及功率检测法    50
6.2.4 孤岛新检测方法    50
总  结    53
参考文献    54
致  谢    57