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关键词:  分布式发电  微网  继电保护  保护方案
The Protection Strategy of Microgrid
With the energy and enviormental issues become increasingly prominent, the issue how to increase the utilization of wind, solar and other renewable energy and to replace traditional generation, has become a top priority in the development of power industry. For the coordition of utility, the microgrid has received more and more attention as a valid form of distributed resourse.
Comparing to the traditional distribution network, the structure of microgrid is no longer radical sources of single form. The use of trational protection such as over current in microgrid has changed a lot. In this case the use of traditional such as over current protection in fault identification and fault location has encountered many difficultties.Therefore, the study of the protection strategy for microgrid is of great practical significance.
In this dissertation, we dissicuss the inflience of microgrid on the relay protection system of distribution network with microgrid connected to the distribution network, and analyse the fault type and protection strategy of both the tie line and the internal microgrid. On this basis, the paper presents a protection scheme based on the current phase comparison. Next, we verified the protection scheme using Matlab/Simulink and evaluated its protection performance.
Key words: Distribution System; Micro-grids; Relay; protecton program.


摘要    I
目录    III
第一章  绪论    1
1.1  课题的背景与意义    1
1.2  国内外研究现状    2
1.2.1  改良的传统电流保护    3
1.2.2  距离保护    4
1.2.3  基于GPS的自适应保护    4
1.3  本文所做的主要工作    5
第二章  微电网并网对继电保护系统的影响    6
2.1  微电网的技术特点    6
2.2  DG并网对继电保护系统的影响    6
2.2.1  DG的接入位置对微电网保护的影响    6
2.2.2  DG的容量对微电网过电流保护的影响    10
2.2.3  分布式电源对配电网自动重合闸装置产生影响    11
2.2.4  多个DG接入配电网对过电流保护协调的影响    13
2.2.5  DG接入对配电网的其他影响    14
2.3  本章小结    15
第三章  微网联络线保护研究    16
3.1  引言    16
3.2  微网孤岛及穿越运行的原则    16
3.2.1  微网内部及联络线上故障时的隔离原则    16
3.2.2  配电网故障时的隔离原则    17
3.2.3  微网孤岛及故障穿越运行的几种策略    20
3.3  不同隔离策略下微网联络线保护的原理及方案    20
3.3.1  微网孤岛运行时的联络线保护    21
3.3.2  微网故障穿越运行时的联络线保护    22
3.4  小结    23
第四章  微网典型保护方案分析    24
4.1  引言    24
4.2  微网保护原理概述    24
4.3  低电压保护方案    25
4.3.1  低电压保护的原理及实现方案    26
4.3.2  低电压保护的评价    27
4.4  电流差动保护方案    27
4.4.1  电流差动保护的原理及实现方案    28
4.4.2  微网差动保护和微电源保护与电流差动保护之配合    31
4.4.3  电力差动保护方案的评价    32
4.5  小结    33
第五章  基于电流比相原理的微网保护方案研究    34
5.1  引言    34
5.2  保护原理与实现方案    34
5.2.1  微网馈线的电流比相式保护    34
5.2.2  微电源的电压偏移保护    38
5.2.3  微网馈线保护与微电源保护的配合    39
5.3  仿真验证    40
5.3.1  线路Line1上配置差动保护时的情形    42
5.3.2  线路Line1上配置电流比相保护时的情形    44
5.4  小结    45
总结    46
参考文献    47
致谢    50