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关键词: 高压配电网 功率平衡 潮流计算 调压计算

Design of high voltage distribution network
With the development of science and technology of society, people's pace of life becomes faster and faster, so energy will play an increasingly important role in our daily life. The design of high-voltage distribution network is an important part of power grid construction, we must take seriously. Reasonable distribution network can not only meet the needs of the region's electricity, but also for the region's economic development to make an important contribution.
This paper briefly introduces the design of high voltage distribution network and related calculation process. In the design of 110kV high voltage distribution network, we need to calculate and design according to the relevant information provided by the original data. This design mainly includes active power balance calculation, wire selection and verification, according to the relevant program of economic investment which mainly includes line and substation investment and annual operating costs to determine a reasonable program. And then the power flow calculation of the relevant program, according to the results of the calculation and pressure regulation requirements of the pressure calculation.
Key Words: High voltage distribution network; wiring scheme; power flow calculation


目  录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 课题研究的目的和意义    1
1.2高压配电网的发展现状    1
1.2.1国外发展情况    1
1.2.2国内发展情况    2
1.2.3高压配电网设计    2
1.3本文的主要内容    2
1.4 高压配电网设计原始资料    3
第二章 功率平衡计算    6
2.1有功功率的计算公式    6
2.1.1有功功率平衡计算    6
2.2无功功率平衡    7
第三章 电压等级的选择    8
3.1电压等级的确定    8
3.1.1电网电压等级选定原则    8
3.1.2确定电压等级    8
第四章 电力网接线方案的设计    10
4.1电力网中接线方式    10
4.1.1两种接线方式区别    10
4.1.2两种接线方式优缺点    12
4.2电力网络接线方案的选择    12
4.2.1电网接线方案选择方法    13
4.2.2在电网接线方案选择时常考虑的技术指标    13
4.2.3对不同负荷等级进行考虑    13
4.2.4电力负荷对供电的要求    14
4.3待建变电所的接线方案如下    14
4.3.1接线方案设计    14
4.3.2初步确定接线方案    16
第五章 变电所主变压器的选择    18
5.1变压器选择的准则    18
5.1.1变压器台数的确定准则    18
5.1.2变压器容量的确定准则    18
5.2各变电所主变选择    18
第六章 导线截面积的选择与校验    20
6.1导线截面积选择的原则和方法    20
6.1.1对于导线的选择的条件    20
6.1.2方案(1)导线界面的选择    21
6.1.3方案(6)导线截面的计算    23
6.2导线校验    24
6.2.1按照机械强度校验导线的截面积    24
6.2.2按照电晕校验导线截面积    25
6.2.3按照载流量校验导线截面积    25
6.2.4按电压损失校验导线的截面积    27
第七章 通过技术经济指标比较方案    33
7.1技术经济指标的评价条件    33
7.1.1方案(1)经济投资    33
7.1.2方案(6)经济投资    35
7.2变电站投资比较    36
第八章 潮流计算    38
8.1潮流计算概述    38
8.2对选定方案进行潮流手算    38
8.3有关MATPOWER潮流计算方法    49
8.3.1方案(1)的潮流计算    49
8.3.2方案(6)潮流计算    55
第九章 调压计算    60
9.1电压调整    60
9.1.1调压措施    60
9.1.2调压原则    60
9.1.3调压计算    60
9.2评定电网接线方案    63
结语    65
参考文献    66
致谢    68
附录    69