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关键词 MATLAB/SIMULINK;高压输电线路;故障定位;双端测距

Quick and accurate localization of faults is the basic task of fault location as well  as  an  important  research  subject  in  power  system  relay  protection.Transmission lines are responsible for the delivery of electric energy and their faults influence the safe operation of power system directly.Fault points must be found out soon according to various fault features through fault location ,and then burden of linesman is lightened;faults can be cleared in time to recover power supply of transmission lines quickly,so that the economic losses resulted from power failure is reduced ,which can also help to find out incipient fault of insulation to ensure the safe and stable operation of electric net work.  
The algorithtms of fault location can be divided into single-terminal location and two-terminal location according to measurement information .When the single-terminal location algorithm based on the fundamental frequency component is used to locate the fault position ,it is impossible to eliminate the influence of transition resistance and equivalent impedance variation of remote source.With the development of communication and computer network techniques ,two-terminal location has become more attractive which can eliminate the influence of transition resistance and equivalent impedance variation of remote source in theory.  
The features of MATLAB are concisely presented. Using MATLAB software a model of high voltage transmission lines is built. Based on this model and using SIMULINK mathematical module the simulation of accurate fault location of power transmission lines by use of two terminals electrical quantities is implemented. Simulation results show that the built model is simple and easy to use, compared with the EMTP simulation, the accuracy of simulation results by use of MATLAB are satisfactory and can meet the requirement of engineering practice
Keywords  MATLAB/SIMULINK; High voltage power transmission lines; Fault location;. Two-terminal location


摘要    2
Abstract    4
第一章 绪论    7
1.1高压输电线路故障精确定位的意义    7
1.2高电压输电线路故障定位的研究现状及发展综述    8
1.2.1行波法    8
1.2.2故障分析法    10
1.3对现有测距方法的评价    13
1.4本论文的主要研究工作    13
第二章 故障定位    14
2.1 故障分析    15
2.1.1故障特点    15
2.1.2输电线路的故障类型    16
2.2 故障定位的方法    17
2.2.1故障定位的方法的分类    17
2.2.2 单端测距方法与双端测距方法的对比    17
2.2.3对故障定位的基本要求    20
第三章 双端故障测距方法    21
3.1工频量双端测距算法分析    22
3.1.1分布参数模型    22
3.1.2线路参数计算    22
3.1.3双端测距算法    24
3.2影响算法精度的因素    26
第四章 MATLAB仿真实验与结果分析    27
4.1 MATLAB PSB简介与MATLAB仿真原理    28
4.1.1 MATLAB PSB简介    28
4.1.2 MATLAB仿真原理    28
4.2 MATLAB仿真模型及参数设置    30
4.2.1MATLAB仿真模型    30
4.2.2 MATLAB仿真参数的设置    31
4.3仿真实现    32
4.4 故障定位仿真实验结果分析    34
4.4.1 不同故障情况下仿真结果    34
4.4.2不同故障电阻情况下的仿真结果    39
结论    40
参考文献    41
致  谢    45