关键字: 照明系统 配电系统 防雷接地系统 火灾自动报警系统 综合布线系统
Electrical Design of a Street Service Building in Wuxi
The graduation design is the lighting, power and air conditioning power supply and distribution and control system design, lightning protection and grounding system design, fire alarm system design and integrated wiring system design for a street service building in Wuxi. The entire design is based on relevant national design codes and standards and design materials provided by relevant professionals. Lighting system design includes luminaire model, quantity selection and layout, illuminance, lighting load calculation, and power distribution method. The distribution system design includes the socket layout, the power distribution mode of the power facility; the model, specification, control and protection type and specifications of the cable, bridge, busbar, etc. The lightning protection grounding system is designed according to relevant requirements. The fire alarm system includes the arrangement and selection of fire equipment such as fire detectors, manual alarm buttons, and sound and light alarms. The integrated wiring system involves the distribution of information points and speech points.
Keywords: lighting system; distribution system; lightning protection grounding system; fire alarm system; integrated wiring system
此工程为无锡市的一处街道服务用房高层办公楼。共计12层,包括地下1层。办公楼的总高度为45m左右。本办公大楼属与二类建筑 。
摘要 I
第一章 系统概述 1
1.1工程概述 1
1.2设计概述 1
第二章 照明系统 2
2.1照明计算 2
2.1.1本工程照明器情况 2
2.1.2照明设计标准 2
2.1.3利用系数法 4
2.1.4照度计算 6
2.2照明负荷计算 18
2.2.1负荷计算的目的 18
2.2.2需要系数法确定计算负荷 18
第三章 配电系统 27
3.1按需要系数法确定计算负荷 27
3.2工程设计配电系统说明 32
3.3技术经济比较 33
第四章 防雷接地系统 34
4.1年雷击次数计算 34
4.2接地系统 34
第五章 火灾自动报警系统 35
5.1系统概述 35
5.2探测器的设置 35
5.2.1选择探测器 35
5.2.2确定数目及其布置 35
5.3系统及选型 36
第六章 综合布线系统 37
6.1系统概述 37
6.2设计方案 37
6.3子系统 37
参考文献 38
致谢 39