摘 要
关键词:智能化建筑 弱电设计 综合布线 有线电视 闭路电视 火灾自动报警
Weak Current Design of an Art Complex Building
Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, computer science and modern control theory have gradually infiltrated into all aspects of our daily life. Intelligent weak current system has also become an inevitable trend. The intellectualization of building complex is inevitably coming into people's life. People's demand for intellectualization is also growing. So the number of intellectualized buildings, especially public buildings and complex buildings, is also increasing. Intelligent building is a combination of traditional building and modern information technology. Comparatively speaking, the content of intelligent weak current system is rich and diverse, and the technology update is relatively rapid, so there is no mature and fixed pattern template to follow.
This graduation project is the weak current design of a teaching building (high school) art complex. The main design includes the design of cable TV system, the design of closed circuit television system, the design of the comprehensive wiring system and the design of automatic fire alarm system. Plane diagrams of each layer of the four systems and system diagrams of each system need to be drawn. Plane and system diagrams of these four systems need to be drawn. This paper mainly elaborates the design basis, design principles, design methods and equipment line selection of each system design of the art complex building. According to the relevant national codes and design standards, and according to the relevant data of HVAC and water supply and drainage specialty, the weak current design of this complex building is carried out. The integrated wiring system designs and installs data information points and telephone voice points according to the functional requirements of each room; the design of cable TV system also designs and installs cable TV sockets in classrooms and reception rooms according to the actual situation; in the design of closed circuit television system, monitoring points are designed in some rooms, entrances and exits, corridors and other necessary places according to the functions of the room; finally, the design of monitoring points is based on the functions of the room. The design of automatic fire alarm system adopts centralized alarm system.
Keywords:Intelligent Building; Weak Electricity Design; Integrated Cable TV; Closed Circuit TV; Fire Auto-alarm
本项工程为某大学城的实验学校(高中),与大学城实验学校项目(小学、初中部分)分割。 这次工程建筑为这一大学城的实验学校(高中)-B3# 艺术综合楼,总建筑面积为11485.08m2。建筑结构形式为框架结构,一共五层,分为地上4层和地下1层;建筑高度为30.800m。本工程建筑物的抗震设防标准:重点设防类(乙类建筑),合理使用年限为50年,抗震设防烈度为7度。此建筑的耐火等级为地上二级,地下一级。工程等级分类为二类。
摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究背景和意义 1
1.2建筑智能化现状 1
1.3建筑智能化发展前景 1
1.4工程实况分析 2
1.4.1 工程项目概况 2
1.4.2 设计依据 2
1.4.3 工程设计内容 2
1.5文章布局 3
第二章 综合布线系统 4
2.1 综合布线系统 4
2.1.1 综合布线系统的概念 4
2.1.2 综合布线系统的优点 4
2.1.3 需求分析 5
2.2 综合布线系统设计原则 5
2.3本工程综合布线系统设计 6
2.3.1 设计方案 6
2.3.2 确定信息点表 6
2.3.3 确定缆线走向和布线方式 8
2.3.4 设备选型 8
2.3.5 计算线缆的用量 9
第三章 有线电视系统 11
3.1 有线电视系统 11
3.1.1 有线电视系统的概念 11
3.1.2 需求分析 12
3.2本工程有线电视系统设计 12
3.2.1 设计方案和设备选型 14
第四章 闭路电视系统 15
4.1 闭路电视系统 15
4.1.1 闭路电视系统的概念 15
4.1.2 闭路电视系统的优点 15
4.1.3 需求分析 16
4.2 闭路电视系统设计原则 16
4.3本工程闭路电视系统设计 17
4.3.1 设计方案 17
4.3.2 控制室确定 17
4.3.3 确定缆线走向和布线方式 18
4.3.4 设备选型 18
第五章 火灾自动报警系统 19
5.1 火灾自动报警系统 19
5.1.1 火灾自动报警系统的概念 19
5.1.2 火灾自动报警系统的优点 19
5.1.3 需求分析 21
5.2本工程综合布线系统设计 21
5.2.1 防火分区 21
5.2.2 火灾探测器的选择和布置 22
5.2.3 手动报警按钮布置 25
5.2.4 其他设备布置 25
5.2.5 火灾自动报警系统统计表 26
参考文献 28
致 谢 30