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摘要:Z11的影响和AP407捕收剂以及AF65 和AF70起泡剂进行Sungun集中器铜选矿厂粗选流程使用24正交设计。响应函数产生在铜品位和回收和优化的实验范围内。最佳试剂用量被发现是12.01g/t Z11 ,11g/t AP407,3g/t AF65和5 g/t AF70达到最大铜品位(8.17%)。12 g/t Z11的试剂用量,11 g/t AP407,3 g/t AF65 15 g/t AF70产生最大铜回收率(86.44%)。正交表的分布格局分布表明,(32%,32%,32%,32%)可以产生最好的回收(87.75%)相比,其他检查分布模式。

 Optimization of reagent dosages for copper flotation using statistical technique
Abstract: The effects of Z11 and AP407 collectors as well as AF65 and AF70 frothers were evaluated in the rougher flotation circuit of the Sungun copper concentrator plant using 24 full  factorial design. Response functions were produced for both Cu grade and recovery and optimized within the experimental range. The optimum reagent dosages were found to be 12.01 g/t Z11, 11 g/t AP407, 3g/t AF65 and 5g/t AF70 to attain the maximum Cu grade (8.17%). The reagent dosages of 12g/t Z11, 11g/t AP407, 3g/t AF65 and 15g/t AF70 produced the maximum Cu recovery (86.44%). The collector distribution demonstrated that the distribution pattern of (32%, 32%, 20%, 16%) can produce the best recovery (87.75%) in comparison to other examined distribution patterns.
Key words: copper sulphide ores; flotation reagents; modelling; optimization